
Why all the hate on gladiator sandals, Trump is crocs

I’m so excited for the follow up to that tweet on Inauguration Night.

I love that picture of Hillary and her family something fierce.

You missed the part where he actually just hates people with superpowers and wanted to kill of the left over Winter Soldiers too- but in order to find and gain access to them he needed access to Bucky.

With side effects so miniscule, I doubt your math works out. Remember how the recommendations are constantly updated based on current risk and effectiveness data? That math has been DONE. If you came to a different conclusion, you’ve got an uphill argument to make.


He’s also ten years her senior, which for Hollywood isn’t actually all that bad, but he looks older than his actual age to me.

Good list of myths. However even acknowledging they’re myths I still think it’s not crazy for healthy adults who don’t work with children or in healthcare to skip the flu shot. That’s not to say it’s a bad idea to get the flu shot, but (IMO) it’s not clearly a good one if you make some reasonable assumptions about the

Because she is the wife who supports her husband and knew about his cheating. So she is guilty by default.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

So, the Republican party only believes a woman has ever been actually sexually harassed if it is done by a Democrat in the White House. Got it.

Are you kidding? These are superhero movies. Captain dying on screen would just result in him drinking mint mojitos in Hawaii.

But those men have wives and mothers too, and they probably wouldn’t hesitate to call them bitches. sigh. I think we’re back to the drawing board buddy.

Now playing

Sorry...I cannot read or hear Joe Quesada’s name without thinking of this:

He didn’t die, though.....

Yes, but it was not a byproduct of the fighting of Civil War. He was there because of what happened, but the shooter, the motive, and the fallout were all unrelated to the Tony vs. Steve punch up.

I never read the comics, so I didn’t know that would be a potential ending. However, I agree that killing off any of the characters would have lessened the impact of the Avengers splitting. Hell, the splitting of the Avengers was probably just as emotionally taxing to me as a death would have been.

Every person who is susceptible to the flu is a stepping stone the virus can use to reach the elderly and sick.

I don’t know about that. And I don’t care if you wanna do your best to not pay taxes but in my opinion you can’t at the same time claim to support our troops while doing everything you can to not pay the money that actually goes to supporting them.