
Could you imagine DC Comics CANCELLING Arrow...just because it didn't get a toy line?

I know it's not the same people, but: If you don't make a Katara / Azula / Mai / Ty Lee / Toph action figure, then I CAN'T BUY ONE. Idiots. I loved the TV show Juniper Lee (female main character, fights monsters) did I EVER see a single item for sale from the show? No. It's not that I don't want to buy things, it's

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Meanwhile, girls in the Sailor Moon community are laying down a shit ton of money for new Sailor Moon merchandise. So much so, they are laying down fucking $100 for the crescent moon wand. So be my guest, and sell your fucking spinning tops.

David Willis of Shortpacked! has the best response to this kind of thinking -

It sounds like we all lose out, too, because there are assumptions about what boys like, which is why there is such an emphasis on "goofy, random humor." Nothing wrong with goofy humor, but Dini suggests that story-driven shows get squeezed out in the process.

TV execs, in particular, seemed to have their heads so up their ass in the past decade that they're goddamned near inside-out. The Sci Fi/Syfy execs who cancelled MST3K to make room for movies that look like they would be on MST3K, not to mention the wrasslin'. The execs who brutally mutilated The Learning Channel and

I like to think of issues like this from a purely business standpoint but this one doesn't make a lick of sense. What kind of capitalist says "Let's ignore 51% of the entire world's population for no reason whatsoever!"?


This sounds like they're telling you to think more about presents, not less. Or the same amount, but in a different, less natural way, so it feels like more regardless.

I now shop for my nieces based on what will annoy my brother and sister-in-law the most. This year they are both getting singing toys from the movie Frozen.

and I'm sure he thinks he's a good person. They always say that. "I want everyone to know I'm a good person." No. You're not. You are the definition of a bad person.

People grieve differently. She's in shock. I know 7 hours after my dad died I was on Facebook, Twitter & IG bc I was home alone with only my thoughts & my disbelief. I was grasping at straws. All I knew in life was in pieces. I knew that, sadly, the Internet would "be there" for me so that's where I turned. I'd have

Eh the hate on Sansa seems to be the frustration of fans who don't seem to realize that if Sansa character ever stepped out of line, she will be killed, on the spot by Joffrey. She was already nearly killed once because of something she had no control over. She acts like a door mat because it's the only way she will

I was about to post this same idea. A digester would be a great source of energy for the farm and solve the problem. With the right set up, they could even turn the waste into fertilizer for fields. Using animal and human waste as an energy source should be a large part of our energy plans for the future.

He needs an implant...to see color?

There are cyborgs who rely on their technological component much more for decades now.

I think this is part of the reason wages haven't risen in the last 30 years. Technology has increased our productivity, but we haven't taken that money and paid the people who actually do the work more money. I mean, what happens when you don't need a secretary? It means *you* are the one who gets paid less, not the

Yup. I generally like Jon Stewart, but his interview with Rachel Maddow was infuriating for this very reason. Maddow, Harris-Perry, etc. might be the ideological opposite of Fox News, but they're also the journalistic opposite in that they actually do, you know, journalism.

This is why I roll my eyes every time I hear some centrist-ass Jon Stewart type smirk about how Fox and MSNBC are two sides of the same credibility-free coin. I readily admit MSNBC has plenty of loud dicks who are clearly only there out of some misguided need to beat Fox at the game they invented, but there is no

What rights are cyborgs being denied, exactly? Assault is already illegal.