
I'm not sure how to tell that. Maybe I just need to examine them more closely. They were advertised as "Solar Eclipse Spectacles - Shade 14 Goggles CE Certified". They make the sun look green but also pretty blurry. Maybe that effect was from my retina getting slowly fried.

Well, it's a fairly dark grey. In the sunshine, it looks bright … compared to the inky blackness of space all around it, sure. But our beautiful planet, as seen from the Moon? It's dazzling and bright, WAY brighter than the view we get of the Moon, and not just because we are bigger.

Suck it, Moon.

The way I understand it, power stations that depend on solar energy have made calculations to adjust for the shortfalls they will experience that day. More so than they do on a cloudy day? Apparently! Or maybe these solar panels are in some magical place that only rarely experiences cloudy days?

To justify their blind faith

Dangerous for the cellphone.

Actually there's another one in just a few years (2024). Goes from Mexico to Buffalo, so not "coast to coast", but it will still be easily accessible to tens of millions of Americans. I'm looking to go to Fredericksburg, TX for that one.

If BOTH of them wind up getting spoiled by clouds, then I'll be inconsolable.

I was in a 70% zone in 1979 and it WAS raining. Disappointing does not cover what I felt that morning.

I'm near the Capitol.

Oh, next Monday? I'll be in Nashville.

I bought some cool looking googles on Amazon. They are for welding, but totally safe for the sun! … said the seller. Yeah, they make the sun look green, but they totally work!

Amazon sent me a refund. No need to send them back, just take the refund and don't use them! Now, I just have to take up welding, and … profit.

Refusing to hate is a form of hate! Apparently

Well, he didn't release a statement about firing his media people…

The rain did not hold off, we sat there for 2 hours before we gave up and went home. The game wasn't officially called off until I was home, and it seems they told the Giants about this 30 minutes before the Nationals found out? Odd. In any case, they weren't handing out packs as we left, so I asked at Guest Services

Every once in a while I run into this super-fancy joystick I bought just to play X-Wing and think to myself, "I should play X-Wing again" (available on GOG).

I have finally started playing this game. Well, sort-of, I'm only on the tutorials. I forgot we were playing against bots and wondered why my team was CRUSHING the other one, repeatedly. Also, I'm supposed to be matched with people "at about my level" but the average level of my teammates is about 40. I guess nobody

PURCHASED (but not yet played)

There was an article on Salon which started me thinking this way. That Lynch was giving the fans what they wanted: Twin Peaks is back, and no one has changed, and he shows just how depressing that outcome would really be. The article was called:

“Twin Peaks: The Return” makes tragedy out of sequels

I don't want to see

Imagine my surprise seeing this movie advertised an hour after seeing your post. I thought for sure it was a joke / porn title.

It sounds so depressing! I'm very glad it exists and I hope David Lynch got paid handsomely and found the project satisfying. Maybe I'll watch it someday, but I don't think I'll enjoy it. Nobody "enjoys" it, right? I suspect that's not the point of this particular version of the show. Well … yeah. I get it but I just

Recently, the webpage for "Schlesinger v. Ticketmaster Ticket Voucher Redemption" sprang to life again, for the first time in over a year. I snagged two tickets to the lawn at Jiffy Lube Live for Sunday's "United We Rock" concert [Styx, REO Speedwagon and ex-Eagles guitarist Don Felder]. "Free" is the right price for

I would get so frustrated at my friend Scott for peeking at my location while we played "Army Men 3D" (PSX). Was it cheating? After careful consideration, I'd have to conclude NO, but he was so much better at it that he would just crush me every time. Didn't that make the game boring for him? Apparently not. It went