
They built up so much goodwill with me back in the day that I feel obligated to buy this. "Obligated" not in the sense that I don't think it'll be entertaining, more in the sense of "OMG I have so many games on Steam that I haven't played even once because my laptop is old + my desktop is inconvenient to use + my PS4

Confused Millennials wonder why Uma Thurman isn't in the cast

to me to me to me to me oh baby

And that's how we got 45

I missed the first 5-15 minutes and for the whole movie I got the impression that I missed some very crucial scenes. Though maybe that was actually the result of getting shortened from 4 hours. Maybe EVERYONE missed some crucial (or at least very informative) scenes.

Or powerful science! Atomic powered. Something made by North Central Positronics, before the world moved on.

Anti-intellectualism has no place at The AV Club!

I picture him serving Rauchbier.

As I understand it, Dwarf Fortress spends a lot of computational power building its world this way.

I watched this episode earlier this year, for the first time since it aired, and was floored just how many classic moments and lines it contained.

Hey, it's 60% off this week. Purchased.

But those were clever names, not silly ones.

And yet, silly / ridiculously-on-the-nose names have become part of the Star Wars brand at this point. That one is especially lame, but yeah, it's not one of the top 50 biggest problems with that movie.

C.R.E.A.M., Get The Saucer

Does this mean nobody will ever again get away with posting "FIRST"? Both because you'll have no idea how many posts are already pending, and because such a stupid post wouldn't get approved?

They will all have to be stealth firsties from now on. People will try hard to sneak in comments with the word "premiere" or

"Let’s talk about The A.V. Club switching to Kinja"

"Do it! Do the blood thing. Come on! Do it! Do it! Do it!"

I went to the dentist today [no cavities, hooray] and noted they now have a TV screen in each room that is dedicated to advertising Netflix Original Shows. I wonder how many places are adding these TVs, and how much revenue it brings in.

It also reminded me how many of these shows there are now. No wonder they are

*does research*
aw, it's true, one passed in 2012, and the other left us in the famously deadly 2016.

So ridiculous when Drax begins dry-retching as he thinks of her

I have a baggie of wood wool in my Amazon wish list and it took me forever to remember why I put it there. So I could hold it up in front of Stan Lee!