
Was “setting it in aspic” actually the most common way to serve meat at some point? The pictures I saw made it look like the fat was never drained and then allowed to congeal around the roast. But maybe there is a more appetizing way to present the dish. And surely it tastes better than I originally imagined it to

I’m very suggestible. Lately I’ve been listening to the Jack Benny show and boy have I been craving some Jello salads. The last ad involved setting the lime or lemon Jello with water but also with some vinegar, and mixed with nuts meats. After this sets in the fridge. the finished product is then cubed and put on

When the Original Crew left to form The Dissolve.

I am going to be very wary of fires from now on


I have my eye on Fredericksburg, TX

Dave's not here, man

It's a joke that was never intended to have a solution, but then some joker actually came up with a pretty good answer for it.

It's easy now to understand why some people chase eclipses all over the world. All that travel and trouble just for a two-minute show? One that might get ruined by weather?

Yep. Maybe. And 2024 isn't so far away.

DC was at 80%. Not good enough! I went to Nashville to see totality. If you aren't using glasses, or looking at pinhole projections, 80% looks perfectly normal from a brightness standpoint. People were disappointed. Why were they expecting darkness at 80%? That's not how it works.


In the few minutes before totally,

I took one picture, it didn't come close to capturing the majesty in front of me, said "screw it" and just watched with my bare eyes for the rest of the two minutes.

Gelatinous Cubes can't clap, and they don't expect you to clap for them.

I guess the DNC was supposed to learn something from this punishment, but there's no way that they actually did.

Yeah, it's the swing voters that decide things, and I still don't have a finger on who these people are. One-issue voters whose one-issue might change from week to week and be completely unrelated to what's being discussed in the news? People just looking to be able to say, "I voted for the winner"? I don't know what

Kevin Costner? Like in No Way Out?

Also: pride [you're damn right I could make you an awesome weapon, check this out]. Mixed with under-estimating Wednesday as a potential personal threat.

He [Hephaestus] was a great character in Wonder Woman (as written by Brian Azzarello).

Exactly. They also have Football and Soccer and Hockey and The Walking Dead and Wrestling… I think that's a complete list

That's how I play D&D! Well, I joke about it, out of character. I quickly note to the DM that I'm just being funny. But I am desperately curious to find out what would happen if I started peeing on things in the Tomb of Horrors.

I keep thinking I must have a little face blindness and this is more evidence. I was assuming this was the guy from Lost (Terry O'Quinn) and was surprised to see Corbin's name in the credits instead.