
He's driving towards Mecca the long way - going West!

I know that's not actually how it works.

And yet … wait … wasn't he praying towards the Sun? Which I assumed was a sunrise [direction of Mecca], but everyone here immediately took as a sunset?

He gets a nicer house this way?

Even more on the nose if you wait until after Charlottesville [Virginia!] to watch the episode.

Thor! Or does Marvel own the rights to him?

No, the Classics are free of trademark.

Is that the one that speaks like Truman Capote?

His demonstration of a Mr Tea Machine is a comedy classic

I know that from collecting Star Wars virtual trading cards (an app from Topps). They have limited edition "autograph" and "relic" cards too. All of them are just pictures on your phone screen but people try very card to collect the premium ones.

Watching American Gods reminded me that I need to try Hannibal. My wife won't watch it with me, and I feel ridiculous watching TV alone [it's supposed to be a social event, or not done at all, not while there are dozens of highly-rated video games in my house that I've yet to try]. But the look of a Bryan Fuller show,

Decades ago I found myself driving back from New Orleans [Southwest didn't service BWI yet] right near Lynchburg, Tennessee. Took the Jack Daniels Tour. Recommended! I need to do it again to see how they've added the significant contributions of Nearest Green.

Anyway I didn't drink whiskey before that tour but I

I didn't think it was aiming at "winning people over". A majority of people are OK with (or even enthused by) the elements that the show is made up of, right?

Hmmm. I never look stuff up online. Not unless I'm stuck on something very specific for weeks [getting 3 stars on a particular Angry Birds level?]. So I get overwhelmed by games more often than the average bear. I'm not going to consider this vague piece of information to be "cheating" though. Just something I heard

I was SO hooked on the first XCOM (1994). I had to buy the remake, if only for nostalgia, but of course it turned out to be a fantastic game in its own right. I abandoned it after the first time that I went on a mission where one of my soldiers got mind-controlled and starting attacking his squad mates. What a

"Indian Country Today" had an article about Assassin's Creed III, they mention how Ubi Soft worked to get the Mohawk parts of the game accurate, among other things they recorded Mohawk children playing. You can hear them it when you visit certain areas. One quote from the article: "While it may bug some players, I was

The film was made of [explosively dangerous] silver nitrate, the screen itself was reflective for other reasons.

I stood in line for an hour to meet David Prowse for free (1978?) but the line barely moved in that time and my parents were ready to leave the mall.

Your Mom watched Jonny Quest? Oh, wait, she's probably younger than I am. Time works in funny ways.

Like "The Muppets"?

Well that would be a pretty dull book otherwise. "2022: the Earth is a wasteland. There are no signs of life. The wind whistles through the barren rocks. If an intelligence ever visits here, they should be able to interpret what happened, but not why it happened, and what exactly it was like beforehand. Hmmm."

Fun fact! Jean Vander Pyl provided the voice for Rosie the Robot maid. She also provided the voice for Wilma Flintstone. They are very distinct characters, and yet once you know that it's the same person you wonder why you never noticed before.

Why are all of the buildings on stilts? Do "The Jetsons" and "Waterworld" share a universe?