I had too much coffee and the movie left me on edge. But I could still recognize its greatness.
I had too much coffee and the movie left me on edge. But I could still recognize its greatness.
"Hey, it's what we would do"
Long has it been since I read horror comics. Perhaps this changes soon.
I can imagine it!
Hey, Piper Maru is 22 now, but I guess she's not in the business. Good for her, probably.
Growing up I was SO CONFUSED as to why anybody would ever bother to get married. You'll just grow to hate each other in a few years. My parents seemed like a very rare exception to the American "norm".
It's like hundreds of women walking past you when you're too painfully shy to make eye contact with strangers. Just brief impressionistic glimpses of beauty.
… I imagine
You actually died the day that Internet Eating Sensation Dave Chang left the AV Club, your spirit just refuses to acknowledge it. You exist in a condition outside of Life, most closely resembling the concept of Purgatory. Things will just keep getting stranger and more upsetting … for the rest of eternity.
Genres: Action | Comedy | Crime | Thriller
At least two-thirds of baby pictures should be of them crying, the all-smiles collections are dangerously unrepresentative propaganda.
"Why are YOU allowed to be protected? What about me? I have feelings too! And yet, everyone around me has on Fuck Your Feelings shirts! It is so unfair."
Looks like a great cat. I would be happy to have it hop on my lap. Just speculating idly that even the most innocuous-seeming thing might make someone's list of Things I Want Blocked. You never know.
I picture that process using up lots of time and plastic and pricey equipment. And then you have to dirty up a pan anyway, to make appetizing-looking sear marks.
I believe you. I'm sure it's awesome. But I suspect I'll never experience food prepared that way, not ever. Inertia is powerful.
I had forgotten that he was in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. And in looking up that fact I just read a whole article from Deadspin / The Concourse about what he's up to these days. A blast from the past!
Have you played Disgaea 5? Is it at all similar, or am I just assuming that because "Japanese" and "5"? The digital version is slashed to $17.99 this week.
"The real question is, once you blur out all the racism, homophobia, sexism, and violence, what’s left?"
Yes, that is the question, and I read the article for the answer, and got none!
Implied answer: calm cats
Except that cat has two different colored eyes.
I might that mildly troubling.
Crank up Soothe one notch further,…
Remember when the worst thing about the news what that there was too much Paris Hilton?
Maybe they will bring back the original lyrics to the opening song.
I was ready to assume "money laundering" but your explanation makes a lot of sense. There's plenty of fully-documented stuff to worry about, I'm OK writing this one off as irrelevant.
This feels oh so very different. Back then, you had Sting trying to convince the President not to nuke them.