
That was my favorite part when I was 11!


One of the reasons I "merely liked" this movie is that it doesn't come close to being as brilliant and quotable as Hot Fuzz. Yes, that's a ridiculous standard. And yes, this movie has more action (and it's excellent). And yes, I still liked it plenty, enough to recommend it.

It depends on the job!

I haven't seen every Edgar Wright film, but this was my least favorite of the ones of his that I have seen. And I liked it!

I was expecting this to be a comedy and it's not. It's much more violent than funny. It doesn't aim to be a comedy. It's totally my fault for going in with the wrong expectations (and too much


I was expecting this to be more like "Shaun of the Dead" (labeled by IMDB as Comedy | Horror). But no. It's Action | Crime | Music | Thriller. But does it have comedic elements threaded throughout its DNA? Absolutely! So doesn't that make it a comedy? No. Why not? Um, I don't know, I can't explain … It also has a

The driving is plausibly ALL real, I didn't detect any CGI. I read that they shut down a few blocks of Atlanta during the day, twice, to film some of the action. Your only disappointment with the driving will likely be, "there's not enough of it", not, "it's not real-looking enough". I promise.

That's not to say there

I remember hearing the whine at that point, but it seemed to have been lowered in volume, making the audience uncomfortable without them being quite sure why. I was thinking David Lynch: but he was never subtle about using that effect, was he?

It's also possible that the audience was used to hearing that whine by then,

There are several times this happens, briefly, and one more extended sequence towards the end when he's unable to listen to songs. Well done, I thought.

I read one review written by someone with tinnitus who was unable to get past the utter BS of "I listen to loud music with ear buds to block out the constant whine".

It is in no way a perfect film. But it does some things extremely well, and that should be enough to please many cinephiles. That was my take.

Not until the very end, and not the whole song, but it's there!

The Playstation Store confirms the I have purchased CHRONO TRIGGER and not CHRONO CROSS. For $3.00. On 1/13/2016. I also paid $3 for another PSOne Classic that day, something called Final Fantasy VII.

The red light comes on but I get no picture. Either my console is broken or all of my cartridges are. I brought it to a Retro Games MeetUp and some dude spend time studying it and was able to get a frozen sort-of start up screen from a few of the games and concluded that both things are probably true.

I was under the

Will I have to type in the real names of all of the other players using the controller? I think I still have the print out of the stats in the original box. As I remember it, there was one player that didn't match up with any real life stats.

I read that the first version made it too easy to bootleg the games, and that's why they pulled it. I'm assuming this one won't have that issue and will be in production for long enough that everyone who wants one will be able to get it easily … by the end of 2018. If not much sooner.

Just a guess.

I think I bought a copy for the original Playstation, when the game appeared on so many "best of the decade" lists in 2010. And I think I've also bought it as a digital download for the PS3. But I've never played it.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually a video game enthusiast or just a collector + procrastinator.

DC loves Mumbo sauce.

Isn't that just cocktail sauce without the horseradish? Not so crazy.

I still have one bottle each of purple and green ketchup in my fridge (the latter features The Grinch on it, to promote the film back in 2001). But I've gone through at least 10 bottles of the regular red stuff since then, often for making meat loaf.