
Which games mentioned in this thread should I avoid if I have below-average gaming skills (especially if it requires fast + precise targeting) and no interest in spending more than 2 hours a day playing any one game [sometimes I will play up to 6, or more, if I'm having lots of fun, but rarely want to commit to more

I didn't find young Indiana Jones all that interesting.

The game Rock Band came out with a Harvey Danger song in 2008. People were very confused to see that it was "Cream and Bastards Rise". Huh? People insisted it was actually good. Years later, I bought it: they were right!

I had it on the soundtrack to "Go" (LOTS of great songs on that album).

Ooooh, I first heard that one on a CD containing songs used in TV commercials [I think that one was used for VW?].

What is Danielle Brisebois up to now?

They were having a record release party at a club in Austin when I was there in November, but even in my 20s I wouldn't have been able to commit to going to a show where the headliner doesn't go on until 1:30am.

For 48 seconds I completely forgot what the Senate was up to

It just shows up, you get to sail in it for free!
But what does it eat?
Other yachts, probably.
Sounds smarter to just buy a normal one.

"fool me four times … won't get fooled again"

The word "smug" was used a lot after the election.

Yep, that actually is the way it works. At least according to this Jack Chick pamphlet I read.

I didn't even try to get tickets to The Anthem, surely that sold out in seconds. What a defeatist attitude!

I wish they had some sort of workable lottery system for popular concerts. But they don't.

How much water does it take to raise a cow (and all of the food that fed the cow over its lifetime)? Meat uses a ridiculous amount of resources.

And yet ground beef is way cheaper than fresh vegetables. I don't get it. Oh, I guess kale is pretty cheap, but man cannot live by greens alone.

I fully expect that to happen in the US in my lifetime. Maybe I've just read too much dystopian fiction. But I don't want to be some pampered softy who completely melts down when unthinkable things start happening. Desperate hardship is the default state of human existence, and it's surely delusionally optimistic to

I like pigs, but I also like pork. I wouldn't want to eat a pig if I knew its name and / or spent time bonding with it.

This post is poetry to my ears.

I haven't been to Pittsburgh in a long time. I've got it stuck in my head that it's so racist that it would be dangerous to take my wife there (she's Choctaw). Maybe it's changed since the 80s? But then again maybe it's changed back since November.

So many bones! Surely big critters are vastly easier to prep into edible portions.

I had it in Paris, and it was quite delicious. Not gamey. A red meat, but clearly not beef. It was … its own thing. And I would gladly eat it again.

Isn't just about anything delicious if it is fried? The true test of intrinsic tastiness wouldn't involve loads of oil.

Similarly, I had lobster w/o butter once, and … blech