
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" for the first time since 1987. It was silly, but I was entertained. I was resistant to its charms back then, it seemed to be trying to hard to be a cult film. You can't ask to be accepted that way, it just has to happen naturally.

Celebrities need to stay in the public spotlight regularly. They stay the same age in our minds, but the aging process continues naturally.

I'm too pretty to go to jail

It's fun trying to find all of the times this image is hidden throughout the book (it really pops out once you know to look for it). Iconic indeed. I bought the pin set years ago [pre-Hot Topic], I wonder where it is now? In a box, "somewhere".

Specifically because the characters originate in children's cartoon.

"It gets rid of coverage for tens of millions of people and uses the savings for a tax cut to the richest of the rich". Very simple to explain. But I guess it's tricky to spin that into something that sounds like an improvement to the ACA. If they don't know what's in it, it's because they don't want to know too many

They haven't sold ostrich eggs at my local Whole Foods branches in about 4 years. We made a deviled egg from it once. You have to boil it for about 2 hours.

Once you hear that there's a twist, you'll spend the whole movie trying to guess it. And, once you do, you'll spend the rest of the movie waiting to be proven right. So if there IS no twist? You'll actually be engaged during the whole movie!

My point is, just telling someone "you'll never guess the twist!" is basically

Was there a twist involving DNA splicing?

For the same reason actresses do topless scenes. It's important to the plot.

Yeah, and there's always a skyscraper or a crane or a bridge placed exactly where you want to place your web. Sure. Until he needs to go to Jersey.

It could happen!

That would fit. And I guess you don't get a film credit for your input?

It doesn't sound like this director was able to get anything out of him either [i.e., the lengthy all-stunt-man skateboard scene]. Did he hate this director too, and we just haven't heard the stories?

You really need to get the PS4 Pro.
[… are the words I hear in my head, sometimes, and have so far successfully ignored]

I couldn't get past the very early (first?) level with the two kids babbling nonsense words. Is it literally broken? Will I ever figure it out w/o looking for details online? No, don't tell me the details, just tell me if I should "keep flailing" or "just look it up, most people do just that".

No, that was Michael Richards

[oh, wait, there was a more recent unrelated TV series, right?]

My friends and I were packing up our cars, getting ready to go home after a few days at the beach, when someone stopped us, convinced we were a semi-famous band. Maybe it was the plastic Rock Band equipment I loaded into the trunk? Maybe she thought one of us was Bufta. Who's Bufta?

ApeLad (Adam Koford) tweeted the other day that he wrote dialogue for this movie, and I don't think he was joking. So I'm just going to assume (without reading the whole article) that the problems are entirely with the plotting and not at all with the very witty conversations that the Cars have with each other.

I've yet to see anyone ever retract a statement after a previous quote of theirs brought up the possibility of hypocrisy.

I'm only comfortable punching people if they are in the armed forces of a country that we have officially declared war on. And even then … nobody has ever listing "punching" as one of my assets.