
It's one of the very few remaining bipartisan traditions. And it's for charity. I'm comfortable saying, "it's a good use of their time", and also, "the game must go on".

No, that's exactly when the authoritarians would step in and make a bunch of serious changes. In that week, we might only hear scattered unconfirmed rumors about what was going on. After 7 days, we would already be totally screwed, with no way to reverse it.

But I get what you are saying.

I'm not sure what the answer is, but this is definitely not it.
"Call your member of Congress", I guess?

"Of course, many of these statements come from people whose entire careers are predicated on fomenting rage"

Exactly. And it feels odd to me to give these people any publicity.
Condemn the act, 100%, and refuse to let your rage be, uh, fomented.

That's exactly why I never saw it. It looked so dumb. And the people that did see it, and liked it, and quoted it? It made the movie sound REALLY dumb. I didn't get it.

Would I see it now? Yeah, I would. I was never "protesting" it. But I pictured it as completely disposable schlock, and never sought it out. Was it

You're not. But not because it had a good Dracula.

The way I'm reading it, they are all being recruited (by Russell Crowe) into an Avengers-style team. Doomed by flawed premise, it seems.

That didn't happen before and it won't be happening now

Doesn't that set us free from Disqus? Isn't that what you all wanted more than anything?

Perhaps I misunderstand exactly what is changing. Are we going to become a side-story on another site? Like how that food stuff got grafted on here? And will we still be on Disqus too?

This is bad, eh? Or is it, in fact, REALLY bad?

The ride is fun! Surely more fun that the current movie. Surely.

The way I read it, they were protesting the seemingly odd choice of sponsors. It seems their concerns didn't resonate with many people.

A cautionary tale that every child should learn about early. Ideally by reading about it, rather than living it.

Citation needed.
While you're looking that up, I'll be over here, eating some poutine.

Don't raw veggies make you really gassy? How can that be healthy?
Or is there no such connection?

I didn't try this variety until I was in my late 20s, maybe on a dare.
It turns out I like it. Go ahead, judge me, but I won't let society tell me what I'm supposed to find tasty!
I think I'll go get some for lunch, in his honor.

I hear they put mayo and / or avocado on hot dogs in South America. I'm curious.

I don't recognize any social obligation to engage someone in conversation on a plane just because they are sitting next to you. Why should you ever have to "bring yourself" to talk to anyone? Yeah, it's polite to respond in a pleasant way in greeting. It's also polite to leave someone alone to do their reading if they

"You people with different preferences than mine, you're all assholes!". Hey, some people are introverts, no reason to be rude about it. Have some empathy.

I find it especially creepy when men use forced proximity + guilt as a way to have women engage them in conversation.

It's awfully crude and unprofessional. State specifically what you object to, and why.

Or maybe you're just biased toward a specific political party. OK. State that. Others do. Then move on. It's not incompatible with being a good news reporter. It just shows some of your baseline underlying assumptions. Is a certain behavior Corporate Greed, or a possible threat to consumer protections? Trying to "show