
The way I hear it, in other countries the media outlets just go right ahead and put their bias on their sleeve, and it's no big deal. If you have a bias towards respecting the scientific method, and respecting religions without treating any single one of them as having higher jurisdiction than any government law, and

I can call my representatives! In theory. After living in DC for a few years, I'm forever appreciative that I currently have that option.

One of you was going to be unhappy with the end result. Why should it be you, automatically, just because he's incapable of / unwilling to pick up on cues?

let me guess, bunny wants a rabbit? in a hat? with a bat?

As I remember it, Universal's Dark Universe kicked off with "Dracula Untold", so they are actually 0-for-2. Reboot the whole thing! Or maybe they can merge with the MonsterVerse.

A friend of mine had a long streak as a teen of somehow watching only the terrible sequel to or rip-off version of lots of great movies. "Mac & Me" but not "E.T.". "Another 48 Hours", but not "48 Hours".

I won one of those passes in 1997, from Sony theaters, and still have fond memories of most of the 58 films that I watched. Except "Batman and Robin". Truly the worst movie of that year.


Newt's a good pick. I remember Ebert finding it horrible that they would put this child in danger for so much of the movie, and I can't really argue that that's a thing that more movies need to do. But she was a good character, not the typical type for a franchise to add.

The end of Season 0 of Rock Band Rivals is upon us, so my Crew is working hard to get the best possible scores on the Spotlight Songs and grinding out XP on the other Weekly Challenge tracks. After it ends, late Tuesday night, we'll wind up with a collection of in-game shirts to wear (either 4, 5, or 6 of them,

1995 is one of my favorite years in music but I only heard "The Dirt of Luck" less than a year ago. I heard the song "The Revolution of Hearts (Parts 1 & 2)" for the very first time on Tuesday, as Mary Timony tapped it out on her guitar 15 feet away from me. Hypnotic.

Troll / someone that loves to watch Dems get flustered?

It's today's hottest topic of discussion around the water cooler. And it's on TV.

I'm still confused why they replaced Brendan Fraiser with someone older. Also I was surprised to learn that Tom Cruise is older than Brendan Fraiser (by about 6 years).

I did not fall in love with him.

I was overwhelmed by those kind of games even when I wasn't old. Now? Game over, man!

I yearn for a game / console that sets up servers limited to people of a general gaming skill level. "Over 30 and employed full time and online less than 20 hours / week". Or even just "limited to people with limited experience at this game" (maybe the characters must be below a certain level). And people will STILL

Thus: not eligible. I think if the dog stays in the bag, calmly, it's within both the letter and the spirit of the law.

I feel like that vague hint gave me just enough information. But usually the Wikipedia entry will provide a spoilery summary, yes?

Was this your first failed thirdsie?