
It turns out that the dude who invented the acronym pronounces it like it is spelled (not like the g in graphics), and finding this out settled nothing.

"People will love it, it'll be just like when Bones would act crotchety around Spock".

But it's OK to throw a limo at a skyscraper, because rich folks have insurance?

I'm not arguing, just making sure I understand the rules of this particular Superman story of yours.

I finally watched it a few months ago, on the anniversary of its release? My life is neither better nor worse for finally viewing it.

I discovered that I own a game called Dragon Fin Soup. Sounds pretty cool!

Sounds like a smart attitude. I don't want gaming to become a slog, a task, an obligation. But I also feel like I quit on games too easily. I have to follow through and finish one major game. Isn't everyone here finishing every new game the first week it comes out? And I am lame for not having a single major platinum

Yeah, that's the same reaction I had. I guess you have to make it a major twist to have an excuse to have these heroes acting so out of character.

Another way to put that reaction would be, "Ugh. Just ugh.", but your words get more to the heart of the issue. Nobody is saying, "reading fictional accounts of violence

My weekend goal was to get trophies on Playstation while my wife was gone. Either a lot of them, or super-rare ones. As usual I wound up playing the games that I could spend 20-40 minutes on, leaving the massive AAA games untouched. When will I get to those? It's unclear.

PS3: NHL Legacy, 1 bronze trophy. I decided not

Or Destiny! I got the complete version, only played the first one for maybe 8 hours.

It's not all that sad if a $16 purchase gives me dozens of hours of entertainment! Or is it so involved that I have to commit to spending 10 hours a day on it, every day for weeks? Or I will lose track of the details and have to start all over? Big games intimidate me in that way, and that's why I haven't made much

My wife is out of town all weekend, so I can game all night tonight and all day tomorrow! [hanging with The Dudes on Sunday]. I've gotta pick a goal. All-in on a single game? [a new one, that people are still playing? or an old classic that I never dedicated time to?] Or go after specific trophies [super-rare ones?

I watched "Eraserhead" at a midnight screening in college, sitting next to a friend that had seen it before. He laughed regularly, every one else was dead silent. It was uncomfortable at the time, but it clued me in on something important. The movie was deeply odd, and actively unpleasant (the sound, especially) but

I never saw 3. I really liked the first one by Raimi and loved the 2nd one. Years before I had confused Tobey Maguire with Topher Grace (along with others, surely) so I thought that was a brilliant job by the casting director. It didn't work out? Aw. Bummer.

Never saw the Garfield ones either.

I really liked the

But it hurts to use them. Every time.

Someday I'm going to win one of these contests. It's really only a matter of time.

I bet it's just as pointless as watching "Memento" in chronological order

I went to Seneca Valley (and we ate beef stroganoff all the time back then!). But now I'm living in Virginia (Alexandria), so I am a man of many cultures and no real home.

SO MANY options. I like walking through the aisles of an Asian market and speculating what each variation would be best for. I have packs of at least 3 variations at home, waiting for me to Google up an ideal use for each one.

From Pennsylvania Dutch country, yes, they are easy to find in the stores in Maryland. Surely those are the same thing, right? Actually they might just be the same ingredients (but wide).

Isn't that explicitly one of the benefits of America being a melting pot? Immigrants bring new dishes / ingredients / spices / techniques to be incorporated into the American experience?

I'm willing to hear the argument but my gut tells me that it's not a core part of the cultural appropriation problem.