
Delete and re-download later? Or get an external drive.

I get many of my games used (but complete with spotless case + inserts) from GameFly. So many great titles sell for around $16 after they have been out a while.

I hope you have played Catlateral Damage so you can be a cat, batting things off shelves. And running after laser dots. And meowing.

My friends think of my Expired Can Collection as "dubious food" but the truth is that as long as the can remains intact the food will stay edible for many years. And often it mellows / becomes more interesting. Source: the late great Lucky Peach magazine.

No monster parts in those cans. Unless Reindeer Pate counts. I'm

I've also read suggestions that I should play "The Last of Us" with my wife. People keep talking about that as a moving experience that should be shared. They also suggest it's incredibly sad. Hmmm.

The whole idea of "watching a video game" with a significant other seems kind of ridiculous to me, surely it's better

Something similar happened to one of my co-workers, his brother-in-law bought the Pro and gave his family the old PS4. I was THRILLED to have a new person to play with, but it turns out that his wife + 2 kids + job mean that he hasn't even used it as a Netflix machine yet. Hasn't set up his own PSN ID yet [it still

FINALLY tackling the pile of never-played or rarely-played games that I've been hoping to get to, "someday". And yet, I find myself spending the most time with the dumb "2 minutes at a time" games that should be [and sometimes are] mobile games.

And why antagonize a troll? You'll just motivate them to find out where YOU live. And they won't use that information to deliver you a fresh edible cake.

It's an intriguing plan but no way I'd ever follow through with this. I could picture something similar being fun: maybe serve a cake saying, "you'll never get a date

I'm going to Montreal in July (Just For Laughs) and I'm so excited to eat smoked meat again. And their bagels! They have a bigger hole in them than they do in NY, it's like visiting the Fringe universe, everything is a little different but still amazing.

New York versus Montreal. Whoever wins … ah, who am I kidding, we

OK, I had to look that joke up, because I didn't get it. Even in context, it took me a while. Ridiculous indeed. But I miss the guy. I wound up reading, like, all of his jokes, including one about sesame seeds I had never heard before.

"The Next Picture Show" podcast is extraordinary and if they asked me for money I would give it to them.

"All over the place"? I follow most of the Classic AV Club Crew on Twitter and if I peek in at the right time one of them will be posting a link to their latest review. If I peek in any other time I get a play-by-play on how the country is being taken over in a silent coup, probably because I wasn't paying enough

I wish more artists would embrace that model, I was always thinking that I would have been happy to pay $10 a month to access The Dissolve or $20 a month to contribute to the salary + get exclusive / early access to the content of all of the Classic AV Club writers. Tom The Dancing Bug is the only other site that I've

Blocked at my office. But I "subscribed" so I need to have that site be my new home page for my laptop, have it pop up immediately every day.

I haven't even figured out how to access his exclusive content yet but I wanted to "subscribe" to him ASAP and I regret nothing

"Sledge Hammer!" is the closest example I can think of, but it only destroyed a city.

He was terrible, but once he left, I felt the absence. I won't even try to defend that.

And then have the original actor dub their voice, like in "Space Cowboys"!

There was some dude with a "whisky the hobo clown" mask wandering around a few Halloweens ago and it still haunts my dreams

The actor that plays Henry turns 17 this month. No longer a cute kid. Replacement needed.

So we need to do even more than what scienticians propose, is that your conclusion? Liberals don't go far enough in their plans?