
I've never seen either "Kill Bill" because I'm waiting for a combined version. Well, OK, I've accepted it's never going to happen, but now it's just a movie among hundreds of others on a list of "titles to see, someday".

Looks like a "moves up" to me, but I'm not a professional.

They have Star Wars Day at the ballpark, but they make it clear that masks are forbidden. I wasn't going to wear one anyway, but just seeing that rule fills me with disappointment for … all of this.

Sony send out an email on January 20th telling me (among other things) that my most played game of 2016 was Star Wars Battlefront. It fit my playing style very well:
You don't have to commit to playing more than 40 minutes at a time
But I found myself saying "just one more game" repeatedly. Either because I was pursuing

70? And still working at a diner? This is the strongest evidence I've seen so far that this "Twin Peaks" place doesn't actually exist on Earth. Not our version of Earth, anyway.

They don't have the rights to show that character, so his presence is merely suggested.

I had a website bookmarked that reported sightings. There haven't been any spotted anywhere in while. I don't think I'd eat one anyway, not for another few years at least, but I'm curious about the economics of this product. Offered only when pork bellies are trading at an extremely low price?

The McRib locator reports:

Yeah, a "slow news day" typically means that nothing horrible is happening to your country.
I wish I could tell you this was the case.

Or maybe an Essex.

When the taco breaks at the hinge, it does not turn into a sandwich.
It becomes an annoyance, seemingly a tragedy.
But persevere, with a small amount of effort you have yourself a taco salad.

Like a Panini? Or maybe a Cuban.

Hearing Jimmy Fallon sing it as part of his Troll Doll themed medley ruined it for me.

I am reluctant to get excited about this movie.
Maybe one of my nephews will make me take him to see it, so I can play my role in this world. The role of … being an uncle … taking his nephew to an R-rated movie.

Wait, this IS going to be rated R, right?

I had the Three Stooges on my old PC. Error = "I keep trying to think, but nothing happens". Still seems organic to me.

I had the first note from "A Hard Day's Night" as my text message notification, and the "you just earned a Playstation trophy" sound as the notification that I'd been mentioned on Twitter, but my phone is almost always on vibrate so I didn't get sick of them.

And also, yes, it's not very often that I'm tagged on


My wife tells me The Magicians is about depression and the confusion of being a teenager. In the show, they are older. She has decided that's too different, and has no interest in watching it.

I wonder if we get to see his father's face at some point.
It probably won't be Kurt Russell.

I bought Double Dash to play on the Wii … and then never played it! I've gotta dig that out.

Yeah, OK, that was always my assumption, and maybe my first impression wasn't hopelessly naive after all. You say it when the pitcher is slow [itching their belly]. Not because they are complaining [bitching].