
The math checks out

He's busy with another adaptation. In that one, 8 hours will cover about 1/3 of a book. This one, I am guessing, is going to take up to 3 hours, in order to cover the material contained in … maybe 5 books? Hmmm.

And by "Hmmm" I mean … it's kind of a shame this couldn't have been done as a mini-series.

I guess I'm doing something right that I haven't heard or read a single thing about this issue, other than (still very rarely) people speculating that this is going to drive 40% of America into a frothing fit of rage.

A lot of it. That's my main concern: it'll be far too condensed. It could still be entertaining (good cast) but I have to think it will basically be a teaser for the experience of reading the books [again].

Events occur in real time.

I imagine the research was done during lent, and then the article had to be written and edited and queued for release. Or something.

*slide whistle*

What is a "Belly Itcher", and how does it relate to baseball?
Seriously, it was many years after childhood that I determined what that meant. Naughty kids, not allowed to say "bitch", so instead you use a nonsense rhyme…

Surely I'm not the only one.

Ha. I see why you are assuming the worst of the series. The book was written decades ago, but of course that obnoxious American tendency to claim ownership of imported concepts ("Jesus loves the US best of all") was present long before the current administration. But no, that's not really what this show is doing.

I don't think this site has enough readers to justify that kind of attention, or enough professional writers to allocate to the task. But yes I agree that this show "deserves" that treatment.

On some level, I feel like it would actually help to know the character / God names shortly after their appearance. Certainly before a re-watch. Because what does it really "spoil" to know this information? But, for the purposes of this column, I get it, we shouldn't reveal (without spoiler tags) anything that isn't

I could have sworn that I saw pictures last year of them visiting the site. But maybe they were just doing some location scouting, or going on a holy pilgrimage, with no actual filming. Yet.

From what I am seeing, they are totally different products. US Smarties contain no chocolate, they are pastel colored sugar tablets.

GTA V (a recent game!) came with a giant folded up map, and that proved to be very useful when trying for certain goals in single player. Though it was the online version that had all of the shredded letter scraps marked out.

My gaming needs focus. What am I trying to do? Play every game, apparently. That's … unrealistic. And not fun to try. It leads to "having to" play, grinding along, or not playing anything at all (as the queue of games I would like to try just grows bigger).

I started up Persona 4, quite a while ago, and really enjoyed what I saw of it. Did I really not make it through the intro yet? Maybe. Actually the first time I tried it out [6 months earlier, on my still-functioning PS2], I played [or "played", watched cut-scenes] for at least 40 minutes and, as I remember it, that


I've played that on the PS3 and PS4 and I knew it had started long before [the 90s?] on PC but I never knew it was a TV show. But I didn't watch TV while I was in grad school.

When celebrities disappear from the public eye for a few years, it's often shocking to see how age has treated them. Even if the answer if, "exactly as badly as it treats other humans"; somehow we expect movie stars to be exempt from the ravages of time. And not just because often they purchase this exemption (or

I got Smarties too! I used to get them when I went trick-or-treating in Connecticut, are they especially popular in New England? Research tells me they are made in New Jersey.