
Yeah, the same thing happened to LittleBigPlanet, didn't it? And having to use different music (and redesign a section?) delayed the release of the game.

I saw her on Tuesday and Laura Stevenson opened for her.
She tried to play "Kellyanne" three times and just couldn't get through it. "She's getting in my head". I've got the pink vinyl copy of the album and it's quite a listen. The anger is right out there. The one inspired by Bill Cosby … damn.

On the tour it's Dean Fisher on bass and Todd Philips on drums.

He sort-of reminded me of Klink with that monocle

You don't get married on the first date

Things change. I hate change. This site has already changed enough, though, that I'm no longer sad about it. It's not "almost as good" as it used to be, and drifting slowly away from that. It's … totally different. And yet, still worth visiting occasionally, apparently?
So this site also does food now. Uh … OK.
It has

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore
(is how all of the downsizing at so many of my favorite businesses makes me feel)
(I find it easy to believe that the movie of the same name actually found an appropriate home on Netflix)

Coming to Starz in 3 days: "American Gods". You bet your ass I'll be subscribing then.

Inspired by a true story

And Harmonix fired 17 people.
And ESPN fired 100 people.
And the fundamentals of the economy are actually pretty good right now!
What the hell are things going to look like when there's another financial meltdown?

Or was it Frank Caliendo as Madden?

It's the main reason I'm still wired in. Can't get MASN over the air. I suppose I could just listen on the radio.

I'm reading a number of tweets blaming this on ESPN "going political". Awarding Caitlyn Jenner with the Courage Award. Is this a batch of Russian 'bots pushing this as a meme or is this what a chunk of real people are thinking? Or is it just that TV ratings are way down, for all channels?

The phrase "mass layoffs"

Man, 3 hours ago, that was when life was truly sweet. It seemed like the future at the time (and especially before that moment arrived) but now I can only picture it in hazy sepia tones.

I got a DVD with an episode of Barney Miller in some cereal (Cheerios?)

I'm pretty sure he has sung on Broadway! Like, with talent!
Oh, but his character can't sing that well.

I watched it on a first date. She asked me out, and picked the movie, and I was thrilled to be in the company of a beautiful and confident fellow cinephile.

It turns out she had no idea what the movie was about, or who David Lynch was, and did not enjoy the film, and I never saw her again. It was … so disappointing …

Say hello to the Duchess from me.

Are witches undead, therefore as cold as the grave? I didn't think that was part of their lore. Maybe they cast a freeze spell on any hand that tried to grope them.