
Yeah, swapping in new characters sounds too much like the "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" model (another book that is worth reading).

Yeah, lots of people get it wrong.

That book was charming. Would it translate into a movie? I have my doubts. [I'm pretty sure you weren't serious, but it is a seriously good read].

I was so certain that the super-tan Colonel was George Hamilton.
*visits The Bing*
Oh, it was him, of course, the list above is not [and does not purport to be] complete.

OK, maybe you all knew of these things already, but when I discovered them it blew my mind.

1. The woman who plays her Mom in the Verision ads is her real Mom.
2. It's Peggy Lipton. Y'know, Norma Jennings from Twin Peaks? [Or, as my Mom noted when Twin Peaks first aired, "oh, it's that gal from the Mod Squad".]
3. Her

I just went and read that. So many names in the comments that I haven't seen in forever. phel. Prison Wine.

"The Ceiling Is The Roof"

Raspy whisper that SUDDENLY BECAME A SCREAM… I actually didn't completely hate it, though it got old quickly. He didn't ruin the movie for me. And I loved the house of bees. Also their facilitator in the house of records, he had life to him. But overall it was sad to see it all failing in real time.

No, but this is so much fresher! It's like grinding pepper at your own dinner table versus buying a box of it that was ground hundreds of miles away weeks or months or years earlier.

It's hard coming up with a new, great business idea. You have to somehow take a product and "add value" to it in a way that you can charge WAY more for than what it cost you to do. Like a car dealership offering you undercoating.

Also see: "Lobstero".

I also bought "The Animatrix" on DVD. Some of the episodes are brilliant and / or mesmerizing. The others? I blame myself for not appreciating them more.

I went on a tour of Warner Studios with a friend, his ex-roommate from college set it up. She gave us both a gift bag of Warner Brothers DVDs, including the Matrix. Wow! My friend already owned it and left it in addition to our cash tip at the nice restaurant we visited afterward, and the waiter just about flipped out

Welcome to the desert of the real.

Surely that was an important feature of the film, not an unfortunate gimmick.

I believed the critics but went to see "Jupiter Ascending" any ways, and it made me sad. I think I was just looking for an easy way to give them more money, and to that extent I don't regret it. But how disappointing to see them fail so thoroughly.

I watched the first episode and was suitably impressed. Somehow I convinced myself it was going to flail around aimlessly like Heroes, and surely it was going to a bleak experience where things are miserable and confusing for the eight of them and the whole world is literally out to get them. Apparently I was very

After seeing that trailer, I still didn't know anything about the movie, only that I had to be at the Uptown on opening night.

Wasn't Star Wars supposed to find balance in the force?

As I remember it, the 2nd one ended with a cliffhanger that made it possible to believe "this will change everything", that the reason it was so weirdly paced was that it was setting us up for a mind-blowing 3rd movie. As I remember it, that cliffhanger was barely addressed in the next movie (if it was addressed at

Hey, given who the character is that does the science (and the actor playing the character), it seems almost plausible. Almost.