
I had two people tell me there was someone just like me at the other high school in town, but I think they were just confused. Sometimes I wonder though.

It is such a ridiculous line, and yet it got me right in the feels.

I enjoyed reading "The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the Desert of the Real".

Is it streaming somewhere?

And it's one of the few I've yet to see! I should probably just see it, it's not like I don't have a list of movies I want to see "someday" that is already too long to finish before we all die.

Well then no wonder. Frustration was inevitable.
You can't blame "the scalpers" for what happens when supply doesn't match demand.

A definitive answer! I see that title is also available on the PS3, is it not as good on that platform?

That just seems goofy to me. "We don't care how well it was selling, we insist that it only has appeal for the holiday season and refuse to make any more of them". Do you think they were afraid to produce more, for fear of finding that all interest in the console had disappeared by the time they made it to market?

What's the best game available on the Wii Virtual Console? Until a few months ago I thought that marketplace had closed down for good, years ago, at the same time that they shut down online play for the Wii.

My first choice was Pokémon Snap, as I had never played any game from that franchise until "Go" came along [I

My understanding was that the mini-NES was too easy to hack, and that's why they pulled it. Surely they will try this concept again, the demand is there.

Oh, I bet I have some awesome coupons leftover from that lawsuit. What was it, save $5 off of UPS shipping?

But that connection is SO COOL
(in theory)

With Patton Oswalt doing the banter for her and Michael Penn: hilarious! At another show, without him, and instead with a bunch of young fit men in her band, and commenting about how great it was: I wasn't laughing.

I have no idea why I would be so defensive about Michael Penn. But they seemed like such a good couple

That album (and the whole Magnolia experience): so brilliant, so inspired, I was blown away. But at some point? Ooof. Too real. I sold off my Shawn Colvin CDs many years ago.

Trent Reznor can't write angry songs any more, now that he's married and happy instead of young and confused. But he's still a great musician. Hooray!

That's just what They are hoping for you to conclude!

She's afraid of running into these ladies in the near future, and they are MEAN

Someday they will be right! "Definitely this time"? No.
But maybe.

It really is that big of a deal.

I'm smart! Not like everybody says! Like, dumb! I'm smart… and I want respect!