
See, when I would flail at one of the heists in GTA V online, my friends [having already completely their part a few minutes earlier] would be watching and rooting me on and hooting uproariously if I actually died. You all have to start again. Were they mad? No! They knew what they were getting into. I'd nail it in

Is that like "WALLA"?

I'm told the Telltale "Back to the Future" is easy but I'm stuck trying to serve a subpoena and convinced I've somehow put myself into an unwinnable state. Nothing I try works.

Oh, there are exceptions. I'm not a monster. It's just that my instinctual reaction, most of the time, is to flinch at the shrillness and to expect crying to follow shortly. Childhood is hard.

OK, my PS4 is standing vertically on a combination cooling pad / controller charger … it's probably safe, right?
I'm afraid to look at the vents. But I'm going to have to do it.

Minus The Bear

That's really encouraging to hear. Maybe I will finish my playthrough on that game after all, knowing I can play it again, "someday", and have fun again. What I heard from one of the Walking Dead games was that a 2nd play made it clear how little your choices mattered in the end and that kills the whole experience for

I played enough of Tales From The Borderlands to confirm that it was brilliant. I'm apparently saving the rest of it until another Telltale game comes out that gets similar raves.

Come To Daddy

Pun threads! Bet you can't make just one.

They give Dengar some good lines in the most recent game. Just a few quips. But it brought a smile to my face, and I feel like I know him a little better now. Does that feature make the game worth buying? Heck no! But I never paid any attention before to details like which weapon these villains use. I used his blaster

Many of them were raised to stand up for what they believe in by their parents, perfectly decent people at first glance, if you saw them going about their typical day. Hatred of The Other is a bigger part of being a human than I ever would have suspected while I was growing up.

At least 4% of people are deeply troubled, and / or sociopaths, and they want to share their hateful views, or to pretend to have them in an attempt to disturb and upset others. They aren't "everyone", but even a small proportion of them in a community can be loud and unpleasant and encourage each other and chase away

Its relative simplicity appealed to me, I can get overwhelmed when the gameplay includes a vast array of gadgets and weapons for each solider. I unlocked each new weapon one at a time, from Jabba challenges. It had a real "just one more game" addictive quality to it, I was always accumulating stats towards challenges

Oh, I'm not remotely discouraged about the movie itself. I don't need a trailer to get me excited. On some level I am glad that it didn't show anything new, they are saving that for the movie itself, right?

The sound of children's laughter … fills me with rage. Please Shut Up. I don't understand why it's supposed to be such a wonderful thing. It's so high pitched and piercing, and it's going to continue until something breaks, or someone gets hurt, or an adult makes them stop. Cue the crying and screaming.

It's a good

Surely a call back to one of the original Star Wars posters, with Luke holding up a light saber. And yet, he was using two hands. Maybe there's some cross-pollination going on.

I was there. Eyes were batted. It was clearly a muppet, and it sounded a lot like Grover. Took me a while to take that thing seriously. But, even as a surly teen, eventually I was OK with him. Once his special cadence got in my head.

"… and I only brought enough food for one person".

The first teaser for "The Force Awakens" was … amazing. Awesome. Every image showed a classic or new / mysterious item that inspired weeks or months of speculation and anticipation and eagerness to know more.