
This is fake AF. And it’s a bummer people are encouraging dumb fanfic here because the preceding stories have been pretty great. This is about how great your vintage collection is, how you’re so petite no one wears your size, how amazing you looked and how you became an instant celebrity and then solved a crime and

Yeah, I understand that that was her main motivation. I still see it as being bigoted because it suggests that her sons won’t be able to experience pink rooms or pigtails as a matter of fact.

I happened to see this extremely bad take. It was incredibly frustrating and disturbing. I want to quote a different commenter, who has some academic experience in these matters. This is from Arnheim:

My first thought is response to this post was: “I’m going to watch the fuck out of this show.” My second was “I’ll listen to The Dream again before watching the fuck out of this show.”

There’s still value in retreading the topic, even if it’s drearily repetitive. Every single MLM should get its own feature, b/c every MLM proponent believes wholeheartedly that “my MLM isn’t like the others”.

John Oliver did a great one on it, very concise

The Dream podcast was an exceptional listen, not just for the modern day stories but for the actual history of MLM’s ...which somehow wasn’t a surprise yet still blew my mind.

It’s amazing the arrogance of these doctors ‘Sure human women have been giving vaginal birth for millions of years but we know better!’

Look at the fucking health education women get in school! I had a friend in her 30s give birth recently who had no idea of her basic anatomy. Lack of basic education is mostly to blame for this. 

YES. I’m all for epidurals; I went into labor with 3 hours of sleep so I needed it for the ability to rest. But it was so strong that I when they said I’d be pushing soonish I asked them to turn it off. An hour later + and over an hour of pushing before I even felt ANYTHING. I pushed for an hour and a half and how

I didn’t have an epidural for my labor, but the Dr wouldnt let me labor out of bed. The nurse said, “we can’t have our Drs running around the room after you trying to catch a baby.” Of course, laboring horizontal is a terrible position so when baby began to crown, Dr said I needed episiotomy. I said “No”, Doula said

4 unmedicated births here. I tore with my first but so minimally that it healed on its own. I did not feel in control enough to slow off from pushing but it was no matter. I only find the last several minutes before finally giving birth to be seriously painful. I know the end is near when I don’t think I can do it

I had a similar experience - unmedicated birth with a minor tear (I forget how the rating system works, but mine was at the lowest end of the scale). I had no idea about the tear until they started stitching it back up - the adrenaline from the delivery was such that it did not register at all. I was scared that

I have decided to tell myself it’s because she’s a goldcloak and not a King’s Guard member. Podrick’s uniform looked the same and it’s doubtful he intends to remain celibate and he knows better than to flagrantly break his oaths under the command of Ser Brienne of Tarth. This way Brienne remains heir to House Tarth

I was like WTF. Claim your own legacy girl. 

You missed the part where she drew hearts and “TOTAL HOTTIE [flames]all over Jaime’s page.

I grew up in Alabama and was sent to Christian schools for many years. We were taught how the p goes into the v and that you shouldn’t have sex until married or you’d go to hell. There was no education around contraceptives and women were/are shamed about their bodies and made to feel responsible for the sexual

Madam, you may have sold me on this miracle item.

As a card carrying member of the IBTC, I recently discovered Pepper bras (saw them advertising on FB) and OMG - they fit my 34AA like a dream! I especially love the wire free version. A bit pricey, but hands down my favorite bra.