
Rock on. I was the breadwinner for a long while in my marriage too, and was expected to keep a clean house, raise our child, and have dinner warm and waiting on the table when my former husband got home, despite the fact that I worked the same full-time hours that he did. He actually asked me to stop celebrating my

Jesus. This is such a good illustration of how different people’s experiences are and you really don’t always know what it’s like for them. I had no idea that everyone else was able to nurse a full meal in less time and hoopla than it would take to make a bottle. I was doing switch nursing, 10, burp, 10, burp, 5 burp,

EXACTLY. With my son we had feedings drag out with tears and frustrations right up to the time of the next feeding.... no time was saved for us. Your milage may vary...

For us, breastfeeding was a 40 minute activity that only one of us could do, while formula was a 10-20 minute activity that either of us could do. That was cut in half when we got a Mixie, which lets you prepare it ahead of time and just push a button and shake, and you’re ready to go.

I have done both and formula feeding was infinitely easier. If you are one of the lucky ones with just a fountain of milk flowing from your breasts while your baby laps it up like a little lamb, sure. Breast feeding is easier. But struggling to latch, falling asleep, starting the latching war over, repeat until

Not so fast. Breastfeeding can be excruciatingly time-consuming during the first few weeks, when your milk is still coming in. Doubly-so for a first-time mom who is still figuring out how to get a screaming kid to latch on.

She gone. She was Knighted as final tribute to a great character. But she ded.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

Thank you. I haven’t been on Jez much in the last couple of years, but I remember you and that you have kiddos. It’s nice to hear of a success story after recurrent miscarriage. <3

I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve had two miscarriages this year, which has been frustrating and devastating. I’ve been tracking my cycles with an app for years, and one of the more frustrating things I learned is that it has an option for marking down that you’re pregnant, but no option for marking down that you’ve lost

Call me pedantic, but when I hear the phrase "trick to help you save money", I don't think "by not giving other people money" really counts. How about not going out to eat twice a week? JFC. 

Amen. I have two small kids, but everything you said still rings true. Especially the telling your husband to help with the laundry instead of grabbing wine to “cope.” You can join my mom friend group any time. :)

I never said I was perfect. I screw up at home just as much as do at work. I don’t make a spectacle or joke out of it. Not because I’m ashamed but because everyone screws up. BFD. I refuse to let failing at breastfeeding define me as a nother.

I am a mom, and it is obnoxious.

omg, never!

Yes, as a parent now I really maximize my time in the office more than I used to. I get shit done. I make sure I’m seen and heard from at various important events and meetings. I am strategic about what I volunteer for. So on those weeks when school is canceled due to snow or my kids are sick and I’m gone, I feel less

This was super true for me. My baby wasn’t breech, but she was “sunny side up.” As soon as they had trouble monitoring her heart rate (because of her position and movement, not because there was something wrong) I was immediately told to lie on my side motionless so they could more accurately monitor her heart

This is why I chose to see a midwife practice for both my pregnancies rather than an OB. It’s also why I chose to avoid the big, shiny, fancy hospital in the city and instead went with the smaller hospital in the next town over.

You can’t tell a baby they’re being rude. You CAN tell a 3 year old they are. 

Crying babies don’t really bother me. Equal parts can’t help it and tears aren’t that hard to tune out - you know they’ll cry themselves out eventually.