
Definitely misread as “three year old sister” and I was like dang that seems young to hang out at malls?

I also had a “normal” pregnancy & labor/delivery. I chose for an unmedicated labor/delivery and the reactions I got from people when I told them about this choice (even my own midwife team) were so SHOCKED that I would choose to put myself through this.

Either on or the day after Halloween if IIRC

I don’t disagree, and could 100% do without people’s fiction 101 attempts. Could also do without the 10-paragraph setups of the topography of a house or apartment. “The first floor had three bedrooms, all accessed by a single hallway. The second bedroom was parallel with a set of 9 windows, all about 15 feet off the

One that sticks out from last year was a woman who fell asleep at her friend’s house, woke up in the morning and saw a figure covered in a blanket crawling across the floor, and underneath the blanket she caught a glimpse of  long black hair?? Absolutely not.

Also what are you the “guardess” of??

1000000%. When we moved to the suburbs from the city, the first night in our new house I was terrified by how quiet it was. And our suburb is still pretty dense & urban for a suburb!

Yeah this is my hot take on this as well. Men do this all the fucking time and no one bats an eye. Maybe Florence doesn’t like Olivia as a person, and that’s fine, but like...I’m very much side eyeing the alleged moral outrage of it all.

Well whatever she was trying to do it worked?

  Everleigh’s surprise birthday party

I agree. I have no problem with this. 

Yeah, if she’d used examples of The Home Edit women or other cis white women who are capitalizing on their expertise/visibility in their fields, the backlash would have been either less intense or nonexistent.

I’m so torn on Alison Roman. I love her recipes but she’s annoying...

Yes I didn’t really follow it either. Lots of “per my mom” and “she was surprised I didn’t remember”?? What? And was the author the one who scratched up the window sill or was it the ghost lobster?

The one that creeped me out the most was the woman who fell asleep on her friend’s couch and woke up to see something creeping around on the floor under a blanket with black hair eeeeeeek just thinking about it gives me the willies!

I think that was in reference to Shiv’s actual responsibilities as “president” of whatever whatever at Waystar. Her role is unclear.

He is 100% testing Shiv and Logan to see if they’ll toss him up as a sacrifice, which they clearly will. The only thing I’m not sure of is who Tom called for a “consultation”; a divorce lawyer? A PR person? 

Ok but I think about his password bit almost every day. PROVE! Prove you’re not a robot! 

She also didn’t tie the loopies with the stringies, which for me is a MUST DO to prevent the slippy downies.

Please explain this?