
Does the story make sense, or they pull some VLR alien stuff and shit?

It saddens me that almost no one understands who he is/where he’s from...

They needed at least a 2 color scheme so that it could be identifiable. Eva01 really needs green somewhere.

Yeah but if Navi had 1m in losses every year it doesnt matter how much they love Dendi, they’ll kick him.

DotA teams have salary if they dont have one they just dont join the ORG, many players start leave them because of that, so yeah, even if they dont win most of they still pay them. If Navi didnt pay Dendi he would have left a long time ago. The only “org” that doesnt have a salary and just survive from their earnings

That’s how DotA opperates and teams that have not won a single tournament have existed for a long time, look at Navi, they have been consistently shit for like 4 straight years and they still exist. I don’t know what LoL teams have to do, but it looks like they are doing something wrong.

I recognize a Poring when i see one, and thats a poring.

This is the reason i asked this, i read that post too and now this.

I always wonder, how the fuck did he survived 7 stabs to the fucking face and neck (not that I’m complaining, it’s awesome that he lived) but just like... Was he stabbing him with a Spork or what?

Yeah, i dont know what you tried to explain here. I played all of Steins;Gate 0 on the vita, i know that this game is the “what if mayuri doesnt slap okabe” What i meant is

I want to cry.... i got all the endings on the game, this is awesome.

I don’t know why they didn’t go the Guilty Gear route and made 3d models look like anime/sprites. This just looks like the ps2 era.

You are the first person i see thats pissed about this. Im thrilled about it.

I like everything except the player points, who will decide that? how? When TI approaches will the desperation kick in and players with high scores will ditch their teams in an effort to have enough points to get into TI?

Wheres the link to download the original image that would be 56484545x548575 pixels

Is there anyway i can use this as Whatsapp?, it is fucking neat.

Apple adds a “T” at the start and Pineapple flips the word.

“A bystander, also armed, held Bavle at gunpoint until authorities arrived.”

Yeah, they are not sharing the cut for them yet. That whateveryone was pissed off with valve, the modders got like 25% out of the 100%

I meant that the main character acts almost like kenshin, the bad guy as shishio and i think that kato was literally in there. Not the era or setting.