
Shishio, Kenshin and kato sure have changed...

the first fable when it just came out was just out of this world. I had so much fun with that game. The ones that followed... they kind of sucked. They could never get the magic that the first one had. IMO

for that kind of pay to not have any kind of social or personal life, no, its not worth it.

Didn’t we have something similar to this with Unfinished swan or something like that?

Why not ask before doing anything, that way you’ll save a lot of time if they say “no”

That’s why I said drop it anonymously, on a torrent site, on mediafire, mega, there are tons of places to drop the file, you can make publicity on /v/ in 4chan and it will slowly pick up until a site like Kotaku gives its coverage and then boom, it can’t be stopped.

If someone knows, please tell me, why do they keep announcing their projects just to have them shut down. Why not work on them until they are ready and release it anonymously?

If it didn’t look so ugly having giant black dots everywhere, yeah its awesome

If it didn’t look so ugly having giant black dots everywhere, yeah its awesome

Ok, i know there are a lot of tricky people here and some must know a way to preorder, get the beta key and then cancel the preorder. Come on, i know you are in here... please help...

Was the manga finished or will it stay unfinished forever?

estimated $200,000?!? jesus fucking christ, if that was me please just let me die.

There has to be one like you on every esports related article... on a gaming news site...

Is it me or you sound insulted by it?

i missed it, who was he playing against on the GF?

I’ve never really liked Nintendo except for smash, that’s the only game that makes me go “should I buy a Nintendo console?”but its truly amazing what they managed to put on a controller as little as those.

Ps3 backwards compatibility is like impossible or can it be done? With all that that the ps3 architecture was unique and whatnot.

how much something like that costs?

You have a typo there, i believe, m8.

Why is it that white people get more offended by the use of the “n-word” (which by the way is bullshit to say “n-word”) than any other?

I think this is the most extreme case of art stolen i’ve seen. They literally ripped the asset and used it. Jesus....