Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
There’s no such thing as “too much cleavage.”
I La-Li-lu-le-lol’d
LOL. Someones salty.
These are nice. Just drop the big patch showing the cart box.
Don’t the new forms kinda lose their impact when there’s a new one every 5-10 episodes?
In the FB screenshot it has “Nathan Cerda and 9 others” showing reactions. Did this guy like his own Facebook post? That’s a baller move.
GOOD, this post again.
thats not the inside of a PS3, thats the inside of Anita Sarkeesian’s vagina.
I'll be the first to leave the "I used to like destiny but now I don't" comment.
You know he didnt do it for kicks and giggles, right? There was a study that the special move he was known for, which was jumping from the corner and hit his forehead on the other guys forehead, fucked up his brain.
The PS4, Wii U, and PC's all exist. You can't review it as if it were the only console on the market. You have to review it in relation to its competitors.
Sandals and a blazer are worse than a fedora!
I must admit I have never understood this kind of censoring. It's like saying "n-word" or "f-word". You just made everyone listening to you think the thing you supposedly don't want them to hear. It's bass-ackwards.
So all the north Americans that want to play finally said us too or no one.
I know, GTA V was delayed and it had a top quality product. I swear the only reason Ubi did this was to be in a different year from GTA V.
Choosing option B over option A does not make you weird. It's my character, my story to tell. Who the hell do you think you are to tell me I can't be a guy in a game just because of what my birth certificate says, or who I identify as?