
If thats the camera the game has when you fight, im gonna get dizzy pretty fast. All those zooms and distortions and blurriness really hurt my eyes.

Can you tell me what happens when you let him leave on the helicopter? i killed him and im trying to find a video where he lives to see, but with no success.

The first one seems reasonable but the second one, you just upload it to piratebay or some random sites so it gets distributed and you just avoid having anything on the game linking to any of the "developers". But yeah, still hard...

Wow, that was close. I was about to bitch and moan about having to buy the game again to see what little content they threw but it looks like everyone will get the stuff. Just wondering what will be left out from the current owners, just the graphics?

People should just do this on the dark and when is finished, release it. Why make it public so it get C&D.

Good idea, ill do that.

Wow KDJ... you just lost my respect.

Dude, it is implied that im upset that the DLC were not free because the game is so devoid of content and story that the price tag of the game isnt justified. It MAYBE be justified if those two DLC were free, still it has 0 story but it could create the false sense that they didnt fuck us over.

The only problem is that they took too long for the remake and made us cry with the technical demo for ps3 that the expectations are WAAAAAAAY too big and any little, minuscule change in dialog or whatever would make it "WAY TO DESTROY THE GREATEST JRPG" and shit like that. Im not one of those people but it will never

What makes me mad is not a fucking month before destiny was release, work on destiny 2 was already happening and instead of giving the DLC free they charge 40 bucks for it and it will probably be the only content the game gets.

sad but true...

if you cant tell the difference between 30 and 60, you have vision problems.

I just get a headache when playing games on 30fps, i just cant play them anymore.

I loved them before because of the price the quality was superb, but now... it kind of match the pricetag or is even lower.

While i was waiting for a console HD, i didnt like the change in shadder in some of the scenes, they looked "brighter" when the game should look "grim" or "dark".

I want my favorite color as a hue ending.

Is it just me or is this what Team Fortress 3 would look like? It looks awesome.

Im guessing this is mainly the issue, People that pirate the game struggle less than legitimate ones. I know a person that bought the game AND pirate it and he chooses to play the pirated version. Thats how much uplay fucking sucks.

You are trying to compare a few videogames with a whole industry, is like saying that justing beiber or nicki minaj represent the music industry as a whole.

Yeah, but dont forget the update and stuff they added to Witcher1 and 2 FOR FREE after a ton of time after release.