And not just that, if you buy it from gog, you get it super cheap and you get a shitload of free stuff (besides these DLC's). They are becoming my favorite company.
And not just that, if you buy it from gog, you get it super cheap and you get a shitload of free stuff (besides these DLC's). They are becoming my favorite company.
You are right, someone passed a comparison of the moon and it was day-night. My memory must be blurry by nostalgia.
Wow, my memories of Majoras must be blur'd by nostalgia cause I didn't notice that. I really need a comparison. Thanks mate.
Well, that's just disappointing...
No, im not buying the DLC and with this fuck up, if Destiny 2 comes out, ill wait like a month to read tons of reviews and impressions.
Wow, this looks awful, and dont get me wrong, MM is my fav. zelda game, but this just looks like a straight port. I guess that ill need a side-by-side comparison cause this looks lazy...
I could care less for naruto after how they fucked up shippuden but fuck yeah Naruto-Hinata. Fuck Sakura, hope she ends up alone.
Destiny could have been good, really good. But i dont fucking know where the fuck did they spent the 500 million if the game is a joke content-wise. And they still charge for the "DLC" which adds shit compared to the price. They fucked up what could have been a really good game.
And i dont buy any of those games. The only one that I kept playing for the sake of plot (and later regretted) was AC until revelations, i stop playing there. Pokemon, played version Blue and i think i played them all. Fuck sports.
I always wanted to see the live action part of chris punching the rock.
I have no idea what happened on watch dogs.
Team fortress gets love but no diretide? ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE
I think thats way too TL;DR. But thanks, i guess.
TL;DR anyone? ):
Google+? Really? Shame on you.
Yeah, i dont own a WiiU, so i didnt care for the functionality, the price was pretty good for the quality they showed first. I like figurines.
The quality got really low compared to the marketed ones, not buying them anymore, they look "meh" now.
It bugged me that they didnt explain what the timer was for. I know nothing about it and if there is info on it, ignore my next paragraph.
Didnt know you had a page specific for this stuff. Awesome! and thanks!
Shane (or anyone) can you link me to the best shavers article thing that was done not so long ago, i failed to find it. Thanks in advance.