
Panda: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Answers to the most common questions: It's from the future. The hybrid tech is amazing. It handles better than any car I've ever driven. It's faster than a Carrera GT with a turbo. It feels faster than a Veyron. It's just as user friendly as the updated 12C. Full electric mode is great for fuel economy and we got

Sure, being a feminist doesn't mean you can't critique someone. However, Jez has a bad habit of randomly picking a handful of female celebrities and making them a punching bag or target to the point that it can become ridiculous. This, for one, is a ridiculous article because the whole point is senseless. Unless a

If Jezebel went after Mitch McConnell, Scott Walker, or any of the other myriad number of white men who are actively ruining the country for women, poor people, and people of color with the same fervor it goes after feminist-identified pop stars and television actors who don't get it 100% right 100% of the time, we

Man you sure burned one week ago me. One week ago me (OWAM) is totally feeling it

I noticed that too. I think part of it is that they all live in NY with it's CRAZY high cost of living and are totally out of touch with what $10,000 can buy in the rest of this country. My wedding—including all 3 rings and the honeymoon—cost $13,000 last year. We are solidly upper middle class, with a household

Philadelphia 76ers' players, ranked

First off, great article; I've been watching this trainwreck from the beginning and I completely agree with your assessment of it. Secondly, there's been at least one positive aspect to Gamergate and that is that it's making feminists out of fencesitters just by virtue of being so goddamned embarrassing.

Monty Python fans were not exactly up to our nuts in guts, were we?

Quinn took him to court. The judge almost immediately ruled that what he was doing is harassment, and now he's under a double-whammy restraining/gag order.

Truly the standards have dropped low when a screenshot and 5 words (FIVE ENTIRE WORDS) constitutes "favorable coverage". Have you looked into whether he slept with the developer of Tangiers? He devoted 4 words to that game and even lauded as usurping Thief. Can't count out Treasure Adventure World. That got 5 words as

It's not, "ethics in journalism" is their code word for "articles about diversity." What they really want is a gaming press that never talks about sexism, racism, or anything else other than praise for how awesome "gamers" are.

Apparently, having a vagina and a voice is a good first step.

Man, Adam Baldwin is really trying to be the worst Baldwin brother. Doesn't he realize he's not even eligible?

I'm guessing you are unaware of what the actual words: pseudo, data, and surveys mean.

#GamerGate brings up real concerns, however. For any gamer looking for ammo to blast apart the feminist and SJW lies, I've documented it in this video. Feel free to share on twitter or where ever.

Back up. Don't you dare say "gamers are under siege" as if you speak for all of us. Most of us are grown-up enough not to be threatened by women. But GamerGate represents a vocal minority who respond by saying horrible, misogynistic crap. And frankly, when that is what you are about (and that IS what GamerGate is all

Ugh. I am so over the Nerd Persecution Complex. Gaming was never your secret clubhouse. Some of us have been here since the beginning, but were never accepted into the community because we weren't male or socially inept. Grow up. Find something else to define yourself by other than your electronic entertainment of

I'm joking, I just hate how owners and fans keep talking about players having to earn their paychecks while owners get fat living off a monopoly system that rewards incompetence (high draft picks).

Relegation/Promotion is so stupid. You're asking franchises to have to justify their place in the big leagues. This wouldn't have been fair to teams like the Clippers who value making money over winning. It would throw the NFL into chaos. The whole point of the NFL is so everyone can get a trophy (they call it