
I'm just curious: does the Night Fury in your name refer to a bunch of angry while dudes in sheets at night?

This seemed the most applicable reply.

Heh people (and by people I mean white fanboys cause they are the ones I always see do it) like to imagine Steve Rogers is some sort of "Women belong in the kitchen, black people belong in the back of the bus, queers need to be jailed," type because of the era he grew up in. Nope, in the comics he has been super

I understand being adverse to changing the characters the way you knew and loved them, but I'm hoping you can acknowledge that these shifts happen in comics periodically and these, in particular, may be beneficial for others. Personallt, it meant a lot to me to have this new Thor representing my gender, because it

Yeah you could have said something along those lines but the fact you called them the "political correct ones" kinda belied your feelings.

"Learn your place women and minorities! White men are superior!"

I applied the Drew Magary method of David Lynch film criticism to the article:

The difference is their trophy case and more importantly: it worked for Belichick but failed for Mornhinweg. It's also why coaches are afraid to be bold in the NFL. Management and fans are quick to ridicule failure, not praise coaches for being bold.

Which means there's going to be a Sam Adams' Boston Lager on one end a Three Floyds on the other that you can see, and then nothing Iron City and sad 10-year old British urine in the middle.

Six people in the same group fell asleep? Are you and your crowd of friends 70 years old? I mean, sure, it's not non-stop monster mayhem, but it's still a loud movie. Huh.

I believe you miss part of the point of a Godzilla movie sir. He's not supposed one of those gaudy, screen hogging monsters that the youngsters like these days. Less is more when you own like Godzilla.

Careful, joking about a punter's axe wound is liable to start a whole thing with Kluwe.

Once in Little League our way-too-intense coach was trying to motivate our (terrible) team before a game. I don't remember who we were that year, but we were going to play the Athletics. So for our last practice before the game he brings out an A's jersey, gives us some insane speech about how we're going to tear them

Left out a great coach motivational ploy:

Man, I knew there was a reason I had been enjoying Kotaku so much more the last few months, just couldn't put my finger on it. I've long been disgruntled by the "what's next" mentality of gaming, so this article makes me very, very happy. Cheers to you guys, and thanks so much!

Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. That was the stated rationale behind the name/logo back in 1996. Here's the reason the current owner wanted to change the logo:

Don't be sad my DC brother, that isn't even the worst sports logo in Ohio.

so they switched from a badge that looked like Devo (a native Ohio band) to something that looks like the BMW logo (Bavarian but owned by some Brits).... totally an improvement...

"Worst Logo in Sports"? You actually think its worse than the one for the New England Revolution? At least the Crew's one looked like a crest. This abomination is every bad 90's design choice smashed together.

Hello Jareth. Why Don't You Take A Seat Over There...