
Wait, so you think the dual historic figures of James Brown and freaking Jackie Robinson are too out there for a white guy? Man you must be way way whiter than I.

So does this mean the people who like to whine and cry about a lack of diversity in comic book movies will stop with their tired, old rhetoric now?


They make a compelling point about the husky.

The timing of these two all but confirms Part 1 is Thanos beating the crap out of the team on Earth, culminating in the arrival of the Guardians (and likely Danvers) to blow our minds and make us wait a goddamn year for the pay off!

That Black Panther concept art is fucking great. They've found a really deft and stylish way to incorporate North Eastern African geometric patterning into the design.

It's humorous that they think they need to take these "guerilla" tactics, as I assume they consider them to be, to get their information to the masses. The problem with that is I would imagine basically 100% of the masses already know the story of intelligent design and how a creator possibly made everything.

What I've learned from a few decades on the Internet (and, honestly, in real life): If you're a George Lucas hater who thinks he's some kind of evil or done more harm than good to movies, there's a very high chance that you're either A) uninformed or B) a massive tool.

I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of

Not at all related to children, but I recently got a dog, and I've had several not so pleasant interactions when people reach down to pet my dog without asking. She's only a year old and has had barely any training (she's a rescue), and she's about 40 pounds and jumps on people when she's excited. She loves people so

"I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect."

Oh, I dunno. IM3 ends with Tony and the arm driving off into the sunset. I always imagined they were happiest when it was just the two of them.

Better still, a certain robotic buddy finally realizes his years of loyalty were rewarded with a cold shoulder and verbal abuse. Right up until the moment he "died" in the attack on Malibu.

I posted this in Morning Spoilers, but it seems more appropriate here:

I was legit CACKLING when she couldn't find him hiding in the store in the beginning. And then when she gets jumped by security when the alarms go off.

"MacMillan what are you doing"

Dude are you familiar with how the Supreme Court works? It's not like they issue a ruling, and we all go, wow, that's interesting. They issue a ruling and it affects how the law is interpreted and complied with at every level. They are the final word. All they DO is governmental policy. That's it. Were you sick that

I kind of agree? He shouldn't have to be touched by female guards if he doesn't want to and it's against his religion....

I agree with him. That ruling is designed to support Bronze-aged, backwater, bullshit 'religious' freedoms and that is exactly what he is espousing.

Weeee!!!!! Suck a dick, Scalia. You broke it, you bought it. (I don't know what that means within this particular context, but I do want Scalia to suck a dead whale dick.)