
Elon: Pensions? We don’t need no stinkin’ pensions.

Tough looking brush guards made from electrical conduit grade tubing in other words. That will put dents in the sheet metal when they bend backwards if you actually run into any brush that reaches even halfway up the brush guard.

In the case of the Tesla driving under the trailer of the truck that pulled out in front of it, it’s clear that the truck driver didn’t yield the right of way. But the lawsuit against Tesla was essentially that an aware driver would have been able to see and avoid the accident, but autopilot didn’t. Which goes back to

Taking the car to Carmax and seeing what they would offer you is probably a good indication of wholesale value.

We can only offer you $X because of Y reason, with Y being anything that they can make up as an excuse.

It’s not about violating traffic laws, it’s about crash avoidance, or the lack thereof.

The fun part is that any time an autonomous vehicle does crash and someone is killed, there will be a lawsuit. Which means that auto manufactures will lobby Congress to pass a bill that shields them from liability. Which means that, in this dystopian nightmare we call the USA, they will be shielded even in cases where

One step down from dime store. Harbor Freight.

Or like the 944 from NPoCP: “The seller says the shifter is sloppy but claims this to be endemic to the model.”

I don’t remember if Jason mentioned the dimensions of the shipping crate, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it would fit between the wheel wells.

We’re hoping that pee is the only thing that comes out.

I’ve always liked actors who take risks doing independent films, which Anna does. The problem is that it looks like she is being quickly relegated to the b-list, which is a shame because she is a talented and versatile actor (IMO).

And anything below grade could have issues with water ingress. I’m sure that they’ve tried to weatherproof the retracted charger as much as possible, but there is such a thing as wear and tear. Water and electricity are usually a bad combo.

Worked it into the conversation correctly though. RR and repair will always be in the same sentence.

I think I’d at least put a piece of wood between the cinder block and the frame. I suspect that a sharp point of metal on the cinder block could cause high enough local stress to cause it to ‘explode.’

I bought a Pittsburgh branded socket set, mainly because it had mostly 6-point sockets in 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2" sizes. They seem to rival my ancient Craftsman 3/8" set in quality. And they were inexpensive. But I haven’t compared them to Husky or other brands, so IDK.

You hit the nail on the head. The key is a contract that specifies everything that’s critical, you QC those things, and the contract must allow rejecting any and everything that fails the QC. This is true no matter what country you are sourcing your products from.

I usually leave the floor jack in place after lifting the vehicle and placing the jack stand under it. That way both have to fail.

With Tesla preventing third party repair almost as bad as John Deere, yeah, Musk has lost a lot of good will in my eyes. I don’t much care for companies that try to restrict how I repair/maintain my stuff, beyond basic requirements for proper maintenance for warranty purposes. Hell, it seems like every manufacturer is

3rd Gear: It was announced a day or two ago that the police would be checking the factory for compliance with the City’s and County’s rules. So they are doing what they said they’d do. Next.