

That’s interesting. Those are both good points for capturing the rear plate in the photo.

“...no one beats the Japanese.” Buy a Mitsubishi and tell me that.

Nope, more like $2.13/hour plus tips from the customers buying the cars.

TR;DL People vote with their pocketbooks. Likewise, businesses outsource where they can, and fire workers then hire them back via contracting service companies, which more often than not give none of the benefits that the workers originally got.

That doesn’t negate those states wanting to keep the 2-plate requirement though.

Isn’t the seat selection up to the airline? I thought that the aircraft manufacturer installed whatever FAA approved seats the customer requested.

In states that have speed cameras I think they wanted both the plate and driver identification in the photo.

Maybe not the way you drive.

So downforce on rear non-drive wheels don’t help with handling?

Where did the couple go all night then?

Parking on a sidewalk could easily earn you a tow if a cop sees it. There’s usually an ordinance against it. Call the cops. You even have plausible deniability if the owner gets angry with you about it. “Hey, the cops must have driven by and called for a tow truck.”

Years ago a guy I worked with wanted to pay cash for a new Acrua, but if he had he would have missed some money that was tied to the financing. He checked to make sure that he could pay off he loan early with no penalty, and did so after, I think, 60 days. It all depends upon the situation.

I can see claiming that driving a shorter distance on the streets (higher number of accidents/mile, less serious accidents) could compare to driving a longer distance on the highway (lower number of accidents/mile, more serious when an accident happens). But how the hell does the distance from work equate to being

Stop it; that makes too much sense. All those driver aids won’t keep you from being t-boned by someone driving a car w/o those aids. There’s probably some critical mass of the percentage of cars on the road with always-on driver aids that will start to meaningfully cut the number of accidents. Until then it’s like you

It would have been better if he had just said that the engine puts out 855 hp, 100 of which are lost to the supercharger, for a net 755 hp.

So drive the blower with a Corolla engine and you’ll see the full 855hp.

Did you need the /s?

yep, I had an almost new bag destroyed a few months ago. Who knows how close he came to getting a hand or foot caught between some rollers/belts and really messed up.

The fun part is, of course, making the replacement.