Years ago I read about a lady who got the numbers 666 on her license and couldn’t get the license office to replace it. I wonder if any states prohibit 420?
Years ago I read about a lady who got the numbers 666 on her license and couldn’t get the license office to replace it. I wonder if any states prohibit 420?
That’s only when the other party is doing the picking.
Using a black market copy of Windows and Photoshop.
Benghazi! Emails! Pizza shop pedo sex ring! Hiding Hillary’s terminal illness! Clinton foundation!
I found a Jalop article that says sixteen states plus DC joined California in suing the feds over this issue. That means that some non-CARB states have joined in. That could be enough to put 0ver 50% of car buying could be done by states in this lawsuit. That hardly sounds like one state being able to “ramrod” other…
Exactly. It’s already been decided in cases where pollution in one state affects another, the affected state has some rights above what the polluting state is doing.
California and the states that agree with them make up about 40% of car sales. That’s not a majority, sure, but it’s not insignificant either. We should just ignore them?
True, but that’s more applicable to climate change. Different areas of the country have problems with different kinds of pollution. Even air pollution. A one size fits all solution doesn’t help everyone. That’s why I agree with Cali and the other states.
And damn it, you almost made it to the end without mentioning Musk.
4th gear: The problem is that the Feds want emissions standards that might work for low population density states like Montana and apply that standard to all 50 states. Some states clearly have greater problems with pollution and therefore need higher standards.
Take your damn star.
Your typical furnace/AC system has the filter before the blower. Getting crap on the squirrel cage blades degrades the performance, and of course crap on the ‘A’ coil blocks air flow and increases the load on the blower motor.
You might want to put the filter on the intake side of the fan. That would protect the fan motor and the blades from dust buildup. That would help maintain the fan’s efficiency.
2nd gear: “We’ve never ever been challenged on how we use that. And that’s the leverage we got here with the data.”
That’s why China is going big on EVs, solar, and wind power. Even commies like to breath. Over here, the EPA is a victim of its own success. We don’t have the smog problems like we had in big cities back in the 70s.
I guess Walmart stores could be test grounds for autonomous vehicles. If they can get those scooters to drive themselves around the store aisles without running into anyone, it’ll be time to put that technology on cars.
Ironically that is a grammatical mistake commonly made by Americans.
Yeah, the Westinghouse bankruptcy probably hasn’t helped either. It’s a sad day when what the US power utilities really need to do is buy an Ikea-style bolt-together/turnkey nuclear plant from some other country. You know, someone who knows how to do it.
Plus they like to tow you right before midnight, so you pay for two days storage instead of one. Even if you pick it up a few hours later.
I like the newer generation nuclear power myself. But it would literally take an act of Congress to get even one new plant permitted and built before the heat death of the universe.