
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

Never been more happy to be more wrong. Thought the scum would win by double digits. Still not optimistic for 2018, but hey, I’ll drink to a solitary happy evening in 2017...

I honestly thought that a racist, homophobic pedophile was going to be elected to the US Senate. After the way the last two years went, I didn’t think there was a prayer of Moore losing.


This guy is the most banal, insipid, uninspiring person in the world. He’s the human equivalent of that Pepsi ad with Kendall Jenner awhile back.

I hate to break it to you, but 2018 is definitely going to be worse.

From the article about Roy Moore (that makes me want to jump out of the nearest window, holy shit America in 2017 is so fucked):

Oh, you know, only the fact that some upstart Obama challenged Hillary for (and won) the Democratic nomination in 2008. Bill apparently didn’t think he was very qualified, and obvisouly thought it was Hillary’s time so it was kind of a dick move for him to jump in.

The man spread in the photo is strong. It’s like they’re on a subway preventing Trump from sitting down

Was listening to WTF (Mark Maron) today and he had Sam Seder on.

THAT’S who he was married to??

Vomiting but when you’ve vomited up all that’s left so your in heaving pain and all that’s coming up is some bile and mucus and you wanna die. And you know your body will just do it again in twenty minutes.

This is one of the biggest issues that I have with Hillary! The idea that we need to heal because *gasp* someone had the audacity to run a competent campaign and become an actual challenge in the PRIMARIES is absurd! We have primaries for a reason, and then put our weight behind the winner for the general. It’s not a

What a hornet’s nest I’ve stirred up. This party is fucked.

I (and many others) voted for her but just wish she would move on and allow the (D) party to heal enough to have a chance in the upcoming midterms in 2018. The Bernie/Hillary wars have done an immense amount of damage to the ranks. Unless this party and all its opposing factions can come together within the next 12-14

Those are fair points, I grant you.

Fair point, I’m making an assumption. But Dahl did live in the US for a good while around the time of writing it, and it was published in the US 11 months before the British edition. Also, in the sequel there’s a plot line about the White House.

Where does it say this black kid he proposed was supposed to be American?

And frankly it’s unnerving to imagine how somebody who originally wrote the Oompa Loompas as he did would’ve written a black protagonist.

I do not know any information about this, but why are you willing to shove all white feminists into one category when it sure as SHIT is not true?