
Tara Reade did make these accusations much earlier, to a friend, her brother and her late mother. Ryan Grim followed up with the friend and her brother. Her brother has said he regrets the advice he gave her, which was to let it go.

This has disturbed me. Franken did a bad thing, and that needed to be addressed and he owed apologies to people and receive a public shaming and investigation. Conyers explicitly viewed his female staff as a harem, and spent taxpayer money on affairs. Conyers had to resign, Franken didn’t (imo obviously, and it’s

I’m wondering what the chances are that Roger Stone has similar info on a few Democratic senators with red governors. Precedent is set now, they have to be forced to resign or the Democrats are utter, shameless hypocrites. Maybe the Republicans will pull a super-majority out of this.

Now playing

I mean, I just realized after reading your comment that most non-Obama Democrats fail because they try to be Bill Clinton and can’t pull it off.

Oh that was vicious in 08. By memory, Bill telling Teddy Kennedy that “4 years ago, this guy would’ve been getting us coffee” led to TK’s endorsement of Obama


I think they could’ve escaped some of the unfavorable optics by not beating non-violent people.

Centrism never fails! Except for when it does; then you face the consequences, never having tried. We are living in this as we type these messages, knowing reproductive rights, LGBT rights, union rights and basic human dignities will be eroded in favor of bigotry, foreign wars and income shifting continually upwards.

Now playing

I always heard it speculated that this song was about Weinstein:

Rich Political Type: My point is, like in popular musical that is very hard for regulars to actually attend-

Increasingly I see this as the way things will go moving forward. Many white feminists mocked #notallmen, and now find themselves in something of a corner.

Thinking about him saying “BEVVIE” makes my skin crawl. The monsters around us, ya know. IT is a great book

It’s all the victimization of children. I always liked to have a side theory that there was no monster, and It is just the idea these kids put to understand their abuse and the unwillingness of their community to see it.

Legitimate pushback, at least.

No group is a monolith, but I’d like to know where they mainly fal on trans issues. I think there are some differences of opinion in that area that are valid and some that aren’t. I’m legitimately curious

Hahahahaha, I glanced at the first part of your statement and thought the second part. What the fuck are going to do? How does this play out?

In the modern context of situations like these, Antifa is a collective. It certainly derives from anti-fascist movements in general, but the people who smashed the windows of a family-owned breakfast place in my hometown were a group. It had turned out the banks had done whatever to make their windows unsmashable, so

What is particularly wrong with it? How is it weirder than religion in general?

I think it would effectively begin the Second American Civil War. Refusal to pay taxes would be met with force, which could be responded to with force, and then there we are.

It’s a non-harmful way in which some people celebrated a religious holiday. ???