
That picture of Coco makes me want to loosen my belt a notch out of sympathy. That looks uncomfortable as hell.

Harris-Perry worried that if the man harmed her, she writes, her students wouldn’t get to complete the Wake the Vote program

Who gives a shit about Steven Avery? What about his nephew, Brendan?

Right, if you criminally underfund both DHHS and the immigration courts that administer the cases of these children, you can’t be surprised when they are either stuck in detention or released into the care of underqualified people. Fuck all these lawmakers and their bullshit posturing.

Look, I’m just going to throw this out there. Part of the blame for this problem needs to fall at the feet of people who oppose comprehensive immigration reform.

It’s almost as if demonizing the people who work with immigrants and not giving them the resources they need to do their jobs can cause bad things to happen.

People kept calling Amber petty but she knew he would not let something like that go and it would make him look ridiculous. But seriously, she could have said anything after he said he owned her child and I would have thought he deserved that shit.

Oh man, Kanye...why, just, why?

Hey Kanye ^

She was trying to air his business, not shame him. It’s 2016, get with it, yo!

It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the

Boy do I hate being a man right about now...we are assholes and murderers...

I enjoyed this Jia. I also just want to say that I am a feminist and if people started sending me a bunch of sex toys in the mail me and all my feminist friends would be stoked. That shit is expensive.

If it was that important for them to go to court, they should have

“Although we regret we will never be able to tell our full story in court...”

So when does Stoya start raking in all that sweet, sweet, rape accuser money I keep hearing so much about?

I had to sit on a meeting with this organization trying to increase its diversity. The old white guy running the thing says to us “you know, I grew up in an all white town, went to all white schools and worked in an all white work place. I didn’t really see racism until I took a trip to south africa and saw how bad it

I hate that I'm typing this, but GWB was better looking than Ted Cruz.

This is going to sound horrible, BUT. No man that unattractive will ever be president in todays day and age.

"One oval-shaped suit, please."