
I don't force my kids to hug or kiss even me. I ask for a hug or kiss, and if they say "Not now" or "I don't want to", that is ok. But that is mostly because I want to teach them to ask other kids if they want a hug before hugging them, not because I am worried it will lead to sexual victimization. I just want them to

Yeah, I'm thinking that person must be clueless as to the origins of that term they're bandying around so casually to describe a bit of internet drama. Actually, I'm HOPING they don't know what it means. Because if they do, then... nope, I have no words for the awfulness.

Does this person not realize that her being Irish is not a problem in our euro-centric American society? The reason why minorities talk about the past is because the racism that started in the past still effects us in the present. If he doesn't want to care about his history, he has every right to, BUT minorities have

I think you get a gold star for not punching this person in the mouth. I am not sure I'd have enough restraint not to.

I admit that I was honestly shocked when I read that comment. I thought for a second the commenter was having a go at the Ani defenders but no.

This fan's comment is my favourite so far:

Oh bless your heart...

The comments on her Facebook page are making me cringe. So much "You don't owe anyone an apology, Ani! You're amazing!" and "All these haters clearly don't know who you are as an artist."

Having read through a few other threads on this post, either you have some kind of massive love affair with "grassland" or you're just fucking with us bored-at-work commentators. On the positive side, I think your inane questioning about beautiful grass has gotten a pretty full explanation of why hosting events at

some white "feminists" are delicate origami creatures
who need other women to unfold them
and not correct their racism or they'll cry
but I am tired of being your savior
and I am tired of telling you why

Not sure if this has been posted. Apologies if it's a duplicate. It seems one of her apologists assumed a black handle and tried to talk sense to the WOC but was busted. Shameful.

Often when black women complain about something, we're referred to as "angry, bitter black women who no one should take seriously". I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what she meant.

And it's a white woman's place to decide that a former slave plantation is an inclusive and safe place for all people to "grow"? You really don't see the issue with using a location closely tied to slavery, with owners who are slavery-apologists? I think there is a big problem with people using other people's painful

Really? I guess you do have a point, I've always been annoyed Anne Frank's house isn't available for parties because Amsterdam is just SO pretty and the location is GREAT.

Asking those questions is nothing but a deflection from her actual responsibilities. It is not the job of women of color to educate her.

I can't believe Ani DiFranco and her shithead fans were willing to give a plantation that's nostalgic about slavery HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (the tickets were like, a grand for a room or some shit). That's like having a Diversity Conference at a former Holocaust site. One owned by Germans who have creepily

I have noticed that most of the articles focus a bit more on the homophobic comments, and less on the racist ones. Some of the articles only mention the homophobic comments and make no mention of the racist ones. I find this surprising as I found them to be equally offensive.

I am nervous for some kind of bizarre pop culture holy war. Does no one see the irony of fighting religious persecution via your fav reality TV shows and fast food outlets? Shit is getting creepy y'all.

Paris Hilton is one of the top 5 DJs in the world. It is good to see a made-up person excelling in a made-up profession.