Maybe I missed this because I am alone on Christmas Eve finishing my first bottle of wine but is this a book? Can I buy this book somewhere?
Maybe I missed this because I am alone on Christmas Eve finishing my first bottle of wine but is this a book? Can I buy this book somewhere?
I just... wow. On one level I'm fascinated by this woman's story, and I want to know more. On the another level I'm livid that this one woman, who might actually have been white is the reason that so many black women today are presumed to be criminals who don't deserve help, when all they want to do is take care of…
Reagan's a piece of shit for sure but it's important to note that his campaign just capitalized on feelings that white Americans already harbored post-civil rights. They succumbed to the archetype because they already believed these things about blacks after the fall of Jim Crow. Blame the politicians for their part…
I want to have sex with him.
We already got that comment from lit04. A gay man who feels threatened by women's feeling threatened. WTF.
But my favorite thing about men who cry, "Am I not allowed to even look at you?" is the gas-lighting. Because they know we're not upset by accidental, casual or even flirty "looks." We're upset by hateful,…
Some people enjoy being repeatedly punched in the ball sack. What's your point?
I echo what vanillabean48 said, and will go a step further to say that you should probably read up on rape culture in general. Men leering isn't about showing appreciation for a woman, it's about power and reminding us that we are on display for their pleasure, and that there's nothing we can do to stop them.
I swear to god, if I have to hear one more guy tell me I should just appreciate the compliment I'm going to lose my shit.
I do NOT appreciate it when men openly stare at me for awkward lengths of time. If I catch you looking and you keep looking, it's freaking creepy. I also do not appreciate being whistled at, hollered at, barked at, beeped at, honked at, or when a man is staring so obviously that he is hanging out of the window of…
A reminder from your friendly neighborhood lawyer:
Didn't she shade Rihanna over getting back together with Chris Brown? I seem to recall...
EVERYTHING should have more Don Cheadle and less Lena Dunham.
I find both her and her work insufferable. I don't understand why she and it get the attention that they do.
If her tweets have a line of logic:
Future Tweet Beats should contain more Don Cheadle, less Lena Dunham.
Ugh Lena Dunham i hate that Jezebel loves her, her racist article about visiting japan made me hate her, plus the whole Girls thing and dressing like a "fundamentalist Muslim" (her words not mine) with a shawl on her head.
Dear Lena;
I'm entertained at the notion that Lena doesn't want her "feminism picked apart" over one decidedly unfeminist action, but feels okay doing the same to others. Didn't she make a good/bad feminism comparison back when people were getting on Anne Hathaway? Something about saving the critique for the bad feminists?…
Fathers4Justice suck.