
Wait, I thought Obama won because he played up the "cool" factor, and us POC are too dumb to know we should vote for Republicans. Now it's because white people felt guilty? Damn, just imagine the margins by which he would have won if anyone had thought he was qualified for the job.

Amen! big butt, short waist here, and the chances of me finding hi-rise jeans that would even fit are slim to none.

I like the cover too. She is always gorgeous, that is a given, but in that photo she looks a little more playful and casual than you usually see.

I could not agree more, especially because the same people tend to say the same thing. The comment section used to be so much more interesting because it actually felt like a discussion even when it got out of hand. Now it's like a bunch of people all sharing the same inside joke. And 100% yes to the whole not

Same here. Jez is a bit better about moving "grays" into the black, but Gawker proper is ridiculous, and it's like the same three people commenting. But then again, they're hemorrhageing writers over there so who knows what's up.

Gray forever... not in the woo hoo sense, but in the, never mind I'll go comment on Vulture or Slate sense.

How is Jerry Seinfeld's reasoning for having so many white people on his show any different from Lena Dunham's? In both cases it's white people recreating on screen "what they know." It's crap, but it's the same crap plenty of people on this site are willing to look past if it's done in the name of "feminism."

I think this is huge. This is purely anecdotal, but living in Brooklyn I can actually be in a room with a lot of white people and some fellow POC, and my white friends will actually talk about how there are "no POC" in the part of Brooklyn where we are standing. I'm light skinned so I get the "You don't count" thing

Wait so "he didn't have any intention to do what he did," meaning even the judge who acquitted the violent criminal is in agreement that he committed a violent crime, but... huh? I know it's a different criminal justice system, but isn't the burden of proof supposed to establish that someone DID or DID NOT commit

Exactly. I never force my nephew to kiss or hug me, and guess what, after a while he generally does it on his own. Seems creepy to be all "Give me a kiss." He will if he wants if he doesn't... I'll just hang my head in shame at the rejection. Not really, but I do think that is what a lot of the forced hugs and

The devil mixes his lies with the truth.

This is exactly what it is. Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with babies is kidding themselves and isn't looking at the actual data. This is about codifying new and exciting ways in which women are separate and not equal citizens, and as usual those most effected are women of color. They can cloak this

Lynch mob? Really, that's what this person is going to go with? Nope, no problems with white women feminism at all. Holy crap... do these people have any sense of American History or, you know, where phrases come from?

WTF??? I can not even wrap my mind around the multiple levels of fucked up-ness. How does someone convince themselves that is ok?

"Resort on a former plantation," sounds pretty fucked up to me with or without extra fucked up sentence that is quoted.

Seriously, the girl seems to love grass, which apparently only grows on "ex-plantation resorts."

Thankfully he doesn't chuckle... I would really be scared then. I would seriously love to give him to you because I have NO IDEA what to do with the thing.

Terrifying mechanical dancing Snoopy because of the "funny dance I do." To be clear I wasn't aware that I did a "funny dance," so now I'm scared of the mechanical toy in may apartment and fairly certain I shouldn't ever dance again. Ever.

Because many writers white wash (pun very much intended) does not lessen the criticism it reenforces it. My point is that you don't have to go to a factory to find POC. We are professionals, and hipsters, and professors. White people who don't see that need to take a better look at who is standing next to them.

I apologize in advance because this will probably get a bit ranty.