
Here, let me help you:

Have you played Suikoden? Or Trails in the Sky?

To be honest most Souls fans I’ve spoken with they agree with the move. They don’t want their franchise to become the COD of “hard arpgs”. I think 4 games are good enough. I’m sure they will come up with a cool new franchise.

Thats not my experience actually. I come in blind, I was aiming at creating a tank or a glass cannon, which I like, I like extremes in my characters, so, I started playing like is any RPG and every level I get I put into strength and get the heaviest armour, I did not damage, like tickles, things were killing me left

I got Dark Souls on release and traded it in after getting too pissed off to play anymore. It kept calling back to me and eventually I bought it again, only to abandon my character in New Londo. A while after its release I read an article on Kotaku about killing all the NPCs as sort of a farewell to the world. This

I wouldn’t say it’s a better game. The world is not as intricately crafted, there is no interconnection between the areas. It’s the clunkiest of the series and some of the bosses were way too easy or had obvious cheese tactics. Dark Souls has those as well, but in a lesser capacity, definitely.

Guys, question time from a n00b!