Mitch Kelleher

most customers don’t appreciate technology [...] unless they can see a clear benefit to them

This is engineering solving problem’s people actually had, or at least they appreciated the feature. Now we get change for the sake of change coupled with blinding and overly complex (read: stupid) exterior LED light shows that reek of “because we could” and do nothing for anyone.  And meanwhile your seat heater

Actual combustion engineer here:

Delete this story. That Youtube video is cancer.

So there you have it. A widely used engine technology may be the culprit behind millions of owner headaches. And with GDI use being so widespread across vehicle models and automakers, it doesn’t seem like something you can avoid, unless you buy an older car.

Bicycling is the last pure mechanical form of racing we have.

I’m a cyclist and I refuse to be forced into using electronic shifting. I have the latest Campagnolo Record 12 speed disc brake/mechanical shifting gruppo on my 2024 Pinarello. The shifting works great and it’s got no batteries that have to be charged and that will be impossible to find replacements for in a couple of

I bet the heads of the IOC have air conditioned transport and luxurious accommodations close to the venues. The Olympics suck and it’s definitely not because of the athletes.

I’ve said it for years. Your basic licence should entitle you to drive vehicles up to 100 bhp per ton. Five years after getting your licence, given no driving infractions, you can take a second test to entitle you to 200 bhp per ton - a figure which includes a *lot* of performance vehicles (and if you don’t like it,

Me too, because then we might get some fun street cars instead of the current crop of bloated expensive over powered nonsense that’s only good for bench racing.

So, I know this is a car site and all but, Who the fuck needs a car with 500 hp? Why is something like this available from the factory, for sale to normal idiots who have enough money to buy one but nothing else that says they’re capable of handling a car with this much power?

found in a nearby backyard hiding underneath a sheet of plywood.”

Design opinions aside, it’s the worst engineered vehicle on sale in the US today. I would trust a Fisker Ocean (no long on sale) or even a VinFast before taking a Cybertruck on the road.

Basically, no. All cars sold here must be tested/certified to comply with regulations, including those for crash performance. Those are typically FMVSS regulatory standards, and either you comply or you don’t. The NHTSA testing here largely compares crash safety performance among different vehicles to provide insight

The complexities of the repair just go to show how much cars have changed with the switch to electric vehicles.

Which makes you wonder why their business can’t continue, unless he’s just laying down bargaining chips for a ‘damages’ lawsuit.

So it’s not really an ice cream truck.  It’s a truck for someone with an ice cream business

Herres said the damage to his cybertruck will force him to shut down the ice cream truck business for the rest of the summer. He said he started the business in May.

MAGAts on parade.  

Maybe it’s time for the Utility workers to pull out for a bit until people start acting right