Mitch Kelleher

This is exactly the questions management should be asking themselves, but won’t. As long as they can find any reason that doesn’t point the finger at them they will decide that is the reason.

If they have enough management to spare for home visits and shirk their actual job, sounds like they have too many in management.

If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

One place mechanical connections would be helpful is trying to egress the car. If you read the article it sounds like they had trouble escaping the fireball.

I say no emissions regulations for vehicles”

I know this sort of real-world stuff is difficult for you, but it’s possible she didn’t have it because she didn’t have her wallet because her wallet is in her purse and she doesn’t expect the car to lock itself and refuse to open.

They don’t need to shit on a Tesla for clicks, they shit on themselves and then it just gets reported. There is no need for the locking system to be so stupidly over complicated. None.

Sure it almost killed my child.

$4,200 on making it look exactly the same.

I really didn’t think there were people out there who still cared what cell phones other people used. I honestly thought people stopped caring about that in like 2015.

But hey, here we are, I guess.  

“Hey Elan, my good friend and fearless leader, can you fix this weird glitch that happens when I say things you don’t like?”

Thanks for the daily reminder of how much Amazon sucks and U should avoid buying anything from it at all costs.”

Is there actual, peer-reviewed data that concludes signing along with the radio is visually distracting? IANADr, but I know that audio and visual areas of the brain are quite different and utilize very different sensory inputs. Instead, it would seem that singing along minimizes day-dreaming/boredom, something that

I post all my videos to YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and they get decent amount of views,” Lamar MK tweeted. “I post those same videos to X and they barely get 100 views, it’s like zero reach.

The fuck is this timeline where nobodies complain about views and the term “shadowbanned” exists?

“Elon Musk. Please fix this.”

Yeah. Definitely not a cult.

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

If really strictly mean sports car, there are only two vaguely affordable option - Miata and ToyoBaru. Others are all sporty cars, not a sports car.

I thought that term was mostly dead and cliche for at least the past 10 years.