Mitch Kelleher

Maybe it’s just the kind of person I am, but I fundamentally don’t understand road rage. I understand being angry at other drivers, a lot of people drive like maniacs, but to open the window to yell at somebody, much less get out of the car? What’s the goal there? Best case scenario is the other person gives you an

I should be able to hunt animal abusers for sport.

I’m guessing it is just a ‘different’ experience, that shouldn’t be compared to a motorcycle. I ride both solo and sidecar motorcycles, same brands respectively, and some of the actual riding is very different indeed. While you’re out in the air and still can enjoy the aesthetics of a motorcycle, you don’t lean a

I have my doubts about the long term success of cheap cars in the USA. I think this was a response to inflated used car prices driving used buyers to something new in their budget. With used car prices falling quickly, I think Mirage buyers are going to largely move back to used cars that aren’t terrible.

Why? If I had to guess, they’re using the same ground connections in the cyber truck as they are in all of their other vehicles, but stainless steel and aluminum are galvanically very different. Throw in the fact that the truck isn’t water tight, and it’s not surprising that there are issues.

“Hey, I love the company, I love the truck, it’s my dream truck. But just give me a new truck. Please.”

This right here is the problem.

There is not a single corporate or business entity I love. Not a one. No company I’ve ever worked for, nor any company that I am a regular consumer of their products or services. Our

I don’t know if laughter is the proper response.  Perhaps amazement and lots of head-shaking.  These folks haven’t just drunk the Kool Aid.  They’re swimming in it, diving below the surface and breathing it as well.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

Seriously. With all of the ridiculously minutia that the FMVSS require, how about a requirement for simple, purely mechanical, no electricity, no software door releases.

Why are we overcomplicating doors? Why is this a thing? May all companies that overcomplicate their doors change their ways or suffer the same fate as Fisker.

Exactly.  That is a personality defect that is not fixable.  She needs to leave him over this. 

The answer is obvious: the writer needs to get her own priorities straight, dump that asshole, and use the incident to get sole custody of the child!

It is a joke to him. Whatever fine or minimal punishment he’ll receive will be a drop in the bucket/minor inconvenience. He can afford any fine, has a few hours between shows to kill for community service (which will be scheduled at his convenience), and I 100% expect them to accommodate his concert because “his fans

While I completely agree with this take, we need to assign similar outrage for distracting driving. Studies have shown it’s just as (if not more) deadly than driving under the influence. Yet, I wonder if he had been arrested for texting while driving if the story would be similar?

Again: Where’s MATT (Mothers Against

which, unlike the Patriots’ stadium, is actually in Boston” Why would the Patriots have to be in Boston? They’re not the Boston Patriots. They could be in New Haven, or Burlington, and still be in New England.

So to promote individuality, you’re proposing a series where each contestant drives the same shape(in different colors) with variable power supplies? That sounds like it would look very homogenized...All I can imagine is seeing the guys with money in the front.

You think you can keep racing cheap by making teams fit unlimited cars under a silhouette body? How adorable.

I’ve always loved the “You don’t have enough talent to call out others’ lack of talent” concept. It’s just not based in reality. Fact is I don’t have to be a wolrd-class anything to tell someone else isn’t world-class. I can look at the results, or use my eyeballs and see that a performer is just not up to snuff.

Even if she did, that doesn’t make sense. Isn’t attempting to kill one person, let alone 2 children, not a crime?

I have MDD.