Mitch Kelleher

perhaps 300hp from a 1.5L I3 is poblematic...

Sounds fantastic, but car engines in boats tend not to last.  Yes, I am aware that most marine engines start life as automotive blocks.

The mindset that insists on things like this is beyond seeking ostentatious displays of wealth. It’s obscene, vulgar even. There’s a part of me that’s genuinely sad, that so much wealth can be hoarded by a single human.

Stamping would require new tooling (top punch and bottom die) to be made for each panel, which could have been even more expensive than just machining one set of panels from billet aluminum.

The story is written strangely

Arrest him. Tow and crush his car. How fucking hard is that to figure out?

They are highly maneuverable, easy to store and hide, and able to slip through traffic and along sidewalks. 

I hate the waste. Ship them somewhere or have an online sale - if they show up again in the city, sell them AGAIN. 

That’s how you know the police aren’t really there to help you.

My hot take is that people are louder, dumber, and more miserable to be around than they’ve ever been, so I personally appreciate that it’s so easy to insulate myself from them. 

Yeah, maybe the rise of social media as a means to form virtual networks/community is really the “significant” part of this. Not saying everyone is lazy, but before cheap cell phones you basically had to go out if you wanted any sort of interaction.  Ride a bike, make friends with cars, whatever your situation I don’t

When any pleb with near a hundred grand worth of buying power can get an EV that will do 0-60 in under 4 seconds, of course that metric loses the panache it used to have to super and hypercar makers.

I agree with this! There is a certain power to weight ratio that once past that, is not fun. I say around 8-9lb/HP is the magic number, which is where my most fun cars have been. Had a 2015 Mustang GT which was a blast, traded for a 2010 Porsche 911 Carrera which is also right in that power to weight ratio. People

I will say, that is a pet peeve of mine where people douse themselves in cologne/perfume before working out. Especially, when I’m on the treadmill and they get on the one next to me.

Well.... seems to me that there are always a few high maintenance-type suburban women who absolutely REEK of hair spray, perfume and other shit that just about makes me gag. They might as well kick them off the plane too. That and the babies who shit their diapers. Stupid babies...

An insurance settlement makes you whole? Not in my experience.

This framing plays on a fallacy of its own, the false analogy. Presenting economy numbers is for the purpose of comparing one car against another, not for comparing one replacement scenario against another completely different replacement scenario.

Luckily, (and considering the selling price) this one will only ever be a garage queen.

1000 HP in an aftermarket convertible conversion?  The chassis flex must be epic.

The more he goes out of his way to pwn the LGBTQ community, the more I think his internet history is nothing but gay porn.