Mitch Kelleher

This is silly. 5mph is too slow to measure ‘responsiveness’, I can guarantee they launch at a substantially higher rpm than what the engine is doing at that speed.

Cybertruck owner has a cannabis business. That tracks. What doesn’t track is that he likes to be different but is also shy, and those three facts don’t jibe. He thought he was gonna be king bro with a CT and is disappointed by the harsh reality of the many people with eyes that see in his city, and who instinctually re

I’ll be there first to make fun of people who buy the CT, but I think there’s no reason to be angry at or spit on someone’s car. It’s a fucking car, it didn’t bully you in high school or something. 

Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.

There’ no fucking way I would go back to a company that fired me on the whims of a child. This is the kind of business strategy you get from a guy whose reaction to opposition is ‘Go fuck yourself’, or as he put stupidly put it, ‘G. F. Y.’

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess anyone who owns a cybertruck does not own any kind of hammer larger than one that comes in one of those cheap Home Depot all-in-one tool kits, and has not nor will not have any use for a heavy sledge hammer.

every time it was made more mainstream, we didn’t sell any. And when it was goofy, which the automotive press loved, there were only 100,000 people in the whole freakin’ world that wanted one.”

Much as I loved all of my Saabs, Saab should have died in 1990. GM was just life support. GM COULD have done what Ford did with Volvo and set them up for future success, but they didn’t, they just ignored them for a long time, then too little, too late.

And there’s a further reason they abandoned four wheel steering about 20 years ago. It’s expensive and it offers very little advantage over the traditional setup. Maybe 4ws is a plus off-road; but is that much better than torque vectoring and differential braking?

Any “business man” who claims you can fire an entire product team because the product is perfect and will never/could never be improved on, is not someone you ever want to listen to about anything!

In this video, Sandy Munro, an openly huge supporter, passive friend, and investor in Musk’s ventures (we’ll get into that later), tries to make the argument that firing a 500+ person team due to a management disagreement on the crown jewel of Tesla that is its charging services division, makes sense and that not only

I’m not upset at all about the serious injuries.  FAFO and all that.

Nah, bro. There are times when the cops should be skewered for their actions.

You watch the tape and that self-centered jackass is really booking down the path. If he struck a pedestrian from behind at that speed, that person would be at least as injured as jackass ended up but he wouldn’t be scathed much due to the ATV taking most of the impact.

A freaking sign ought to be enough to keep ATV’s out, but people are just assholes. If we start putting up bollards and fences and moats around everything we want to keep the stupid people out of, we’d run out of money and manpower in short order. 

I am failing to see how the cop did not do *exactly* the right thing here. If moron was going too fast to stop in time to not hit a very plainly visible cop car, he was going too fast to not hit a pedestrian. Not like he came around a blind corner and there was the cop.

Two parties in the wrong you say?

A lot of ATV and dirt bikers illegally ride on hiking/biking singletrack trails in my area. And I hope every single one of these bastards suffer the same fate, whether it’s caused by cops or not.