Mitch Kelleher

If I were a betting man I’d wager a large amount of money that the cops don’t give a shit and aren’t actually doing a thing other than make it look like they are because it’s caught media attention. 

I’m a mechanic and shop owner that has rebuilt electric/hybrid vehicle batteries. The issue isn’t untrained techs, tools or anything else it is the manufacturers purposefully making the batteries impossible to service.

Nah, just torpedo that fucker once it’s comfortably far out to sea.

I think 12 years hitting the books in the library appealing and re-appealing will at least mean he’ll be busy. The time will fly by.

Encouraging, then, that these are the cars driven exclusively by blind lobotomy recipients.

Somalia. Sudan. Haiti. Mozambique.

If he’s a sovereign, just declare war on the fucker and end it.

Honestly, the dude needs life in prison w/o parole or death penalty.

If I had $2.4 million I’d be tempted, honestly, but I don’t think it’s worth anywhere near that much.

The Eames brothers??? Good God.

Ray and Charles Eames were wife & husband, not brothers

I can’t wait for the Elmo Cult to come tell me how this deathtrap glitch is actually a brilliant feature of the definitely-very-well-designed religious relics they spent so much money on.

The problem is that a $600,000 Class A is a heap of shit. It’s pretty, and it has tons of features. But look under finishing and you find garbage wiring, messy plumbing, the cheapest of controller units, cheap fittings, press fittings where there should be threaded... the list is endless.

Look, using one of these fancy buses for “camping” is something that I just don’t get. You need a mobile living platform for a spell, I get it—actor on locationbut camping?

The Ford Focus ST is a whole lot of fun for far less money. A 2L four with a turbo put out 250hp and a 6-spd row-your-own gearbox too.

Bro, disrupting door handle functionality is all the rage! Sure, a few people get locked in their Corvette or Tesla now and then and die as a result of this overcomplicated nonsense, but didn’t you hear, it’s disrupting. DISRUPTING!!!!

intermittent failure of the latch and handle ... the emergency override mechanism also failed to pop the door.

There are some people who want cars built by a white supremacist POS con-man. But they don’t want EVs.

There are a lot of people in this country working very hard to wreck our education system so they can continue doing and saying dumb things that keep them in power and the masses too ignorant to understand how they’re getting screwed. 

Correct.  A good habit.  The pin bends over time.