Mitch Kelleher

Except, this isn’t some mechanical issue hidden by engine components, or things that happen as a result of use - these are a delivery checklist of things you need to look at immediately upon delivery of the car. (Think walking around a rental car marking all the scrapes and dings when you pickup it up at the airport.)

I’ve never understood them.  They go to the DMV and have to renew a driver’s license and find that the new one has 36 Typos and takes 6 months to fix.. but still think that the government can pull of complex operations all over the world that don’t have a single mistake or flaw that nobody talks about ever.

I can see people doing something this stupid for social media “clout.” Most of the video of the aftermath remains far away at various angles because - you know - the rescue teams are just trying to do their jobs.

WTF do parents let their kids drive cars like that, The most powerful vehicle I drove when I was a teen was a stick shift corvette with my uncle in the passenger seat so I was supervised. When I was by myself driving it was a minivan and my 1st car was a mkiv jetta 1.8t 5spd. Whopping 180hp, enough to get in trouble

I had trouble catching much of anything from his ranting beyond the idea that NY was shooting itself in the foot by pursuing fraud charges against business interests, claiming that such cases would deter anyone from wanting to do business there. He had no real answer that I heard for the question of why the fraud

I’m not going to watch the video, but I’d be surprised if you told me that this O’Leary person didn’t scoff and muse that a banana only costs, what, $10 at least once.

And I also just saw him on CNN loudly declaring that heavily fining the Trump organization for a decade of fraud was a catastrophic mistake for NY, which would lead to businesses fleeing the city and state. In fact, not just loudly but practically yelling over the show’s host and refusing to shut up. So, yeah, someone

this guy went on national TV and bemoaned that no republican billionaires were giving donald trump the $454M he needs to appeal his fraud conviction and then completely changed the subject when the interviewer asked him why he doesn’t do it


“Just be rich” is the one-size-fits-all solution for every rich person with a social media platform, closely followed by, “It’s easy--just stop being poor.”

With that depreciation nonsense he’s falling into the same trap that all these supposed financial gurus fall into: treating cars as if they are fixed assets or investments, like you would a house. They are not that. At least not here in the real world with the rest of us. They are consumable goods, no different than

Kevin O’Leary? How much does he have invested in those ride share companies?

I say it on this forum weekly. It’s all bench racing paper numbers. But I’m trying to buy an Ariel, so there is that.  Even on the track, I don’t give a shit how fast my car is, I give a shit about how fast I am and how much fun I’m having. I’d 100% buy an actual racecar 1000 times before I bought a modern supercar or

I’m somewhere right in the middle of being an “old dude” and wearing a “flat brim”, and I’m seriously debating whether I should just buy an Austin Sprite or something to similar effect; rather than never being able to put my foot all the way down. Modern cars have too much power. Yeah, I said it.

She’s obviously mentally ill.

This guy has two average looking beards. Both have good shape but the face ruins it.

You should not be towing with a CVT. I think that’s pretty much a blanket statement.

He tows a lot, and CVTs are really not up to the challenge of towing despite what the official tow rating might say.

I’d assume that towing was a big part of the problem. Towing puts a lot of strain on the transmission, and CVTs aren’t really known for their robustness.

This is the most boring possible use of an illegal cloning operation.