Mitch Kelleher

Oh, yes. If there’s one company that can absolutely make an interface that is less buggy than Apple, it’s GM. Thank goodness we’ll be rid of that buggy mess that is carplay

Hey GM, you’re full of crap.

I’ve had Apple CarPlay in several vehicles, the first being a 2017 XC90. The only issues I’ve ever had were the slightly flaky wireless connection to CarPlay in my 2019 X5. Otherwise CarPlay has worked perfectly over tens of thousands of kms of driving. It’s just not credible that GM will do a better job than Apple.

God there is so much stupid flying around here.

There is nothing quite as sad as outdated and forgotten UI elements like this. old CD rom based nav systems, early ford Sync systems. man they are all so terrible after just a couple of years.

Look, General, be more honest. You are doing this so you can collect data on occupants and sell it to data brokers. I might agree to those terms if you gave me a base Camaro for free. It’s just ridiculous that a corporation as large and as profitable as GM still has this drive to collect and sell data about the humans

No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.

All of me feels that way. One flaming asshole should not spoil things for everyone.

Half of me says "continue to hold the parade, purely out of spite"

Honestly feel the same way. I don’t want the kids who were completely uninvolved to lose out on what was ultimately supposed to be a fun time just because adults cannot stop thinking of ways to be awful to others.

If I were one of the victims I would want the parade to continue. Letting some old bastard end it because he’s selfish and feels entitled to own the roads seems wrong. As long as nobody died and the people hurt were in stable condition, let the parade continue. Don’t let some old jackass ruin it for all of the

Drive it BEFORE it’s stolen.

Ah, Hyundai - the perfect combination of a car company that needs a top-spec warranty to justify their poor reliability while making sure to deny straightforward claims whenever possible.

My concern is the gigacastings, if you have any damage to them it would write off the vehicle

I’m a straight up communist and I still don’t accept any of these edge-lord hack criticisms of the F1.

Your complaints about the McLaren F1 really look like you just wanted to include it for rage bait and then came up with reasons after the fact. Surprised you didn’t use it for the header image. Really drive those clicks!

Manslaughter, aka 3rd degree murder.

None of the reporting on this has year/make/model. :( How am I to judge?

Destroying the government from within has been a campaign promise since 1980.

no he doesn’t. it was pure posturing. He wasn’t going to do a thing.