Mitch Kelleher

Wanting to fight over a social media beef? Dude still have teenager brain. 

People like this are in positions of power.

King Cheeto has normalized this type of childish nonsense.

What kind of hillbilly, cousin loving name is Markwayne?

Banana Republican idiocy.

Markwayne is a truckstop cumshot of a name.

“...a $500 “general admission” ticket, featured no views of the track itself; instead, you’d hang out with a bunch of other F1 fans in a convention center and watch the race on TV.”

That’ll just be punishing those old folks. I’m sure he’d grift them, steal their medicine and abuse them when no one is looking.


That is one of those things where I wonder how effective they are in emergency scenarios. It’s documented (and presumably required), but it requires in independent effort to know the situation even can exist and do learn how to resolve it. In an emergency not everyone is going to say “I’ve been waiting years to do

It’s cheaper overall, b/c like SpaceX’s operations, taxpayers already footed the millions of dollars for the infrastructure & resources that were in place when the for-profit enterprise got involved. No taxpayer’s getting paid back for the amount of profit made off their contribution, so that’s all gravy to F1, more

Left foot braking simulates LSD behaviour on an open differential, on top of more conventional upsides like weight transfer into a corner. Some people, me included, left foot brake on a manual too. You don’t need to brake when you shift up and you can downshift without the clutch pedal by blipping the throttle, so it

Without doing any research, I think the deaths were mainly caused by a lack of sanitation for some that causes something else to an already weakened immune system. Well that’s my guess anyways, perhaps they were on the ventilators too long, but I mean if you can’t breath, you can’t breath. Had everyone seriously

“Libertarians are like house cats. They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”

Libertarians tend to think that public goods like parking meters should be monetized because “socialism!” But as we can see they are far less efficient than having the parking authority operate them. Paying the civil service wages and benefits can be less expensive, even in Chicago.

Libertarians are the stupidest people you ever meet and their ‘ideas’ are based on the simple fact that they never think things through.

This is pretty much the Libertarian wet dream, which is why we should all recoil in horror at libertarians and their insane arguments and claims.

Can we stop taking Ford’s word for their reasoning behind their decisions and actually bring in some real data?

Here’s the thing though. It’s not an absurd claim. Most people - with the exception of EV zealots - have no trouble believing it. Because, as I mentioned above, most people are literally in the situation where they don’t know where they would charge if they had to drive an EV every day. It only comes up when a true

Ford execs: who could have seen this coming?